想請教有關基金之複利效果 - 理財

By Todd Johnson
at 2007-11-05T21:58
at 2007-11-05T21:58
Table of Contents
: 前文恕刪
: 首先我想強調
: 一直討論基金有沒有複利這個問題 感覺上似乎沒有很大的意義
: 反正能賺錢就是好的投資
: 我也不是想追根究底.咬文嚼字 或跟版眾做無謂的爭執
: 只是對基金公司與理財書強打 "投資基金 達到複利的效果" 感到反感與疑惑
: 用這種質疑與困惑的心態來討論 希望大家不要傷和氣才好 ^^
: 畢竟每次看到以下說法:
: 愛因斯坦︰「複利是世界上最可怕的力量」 (複利不可怕 不懂複利才令人害怕)
: 複利比原子彈還可怕 (這怎麼比??)
: 定期定額投資基金最能發揮時間的複利效果 (甚至連定期定額都跟複利有關了??)
Einstein, compound interest: Does not compute
I wrote to the Albert Einstein Institute, to the American Institute of
Physics, and to other places where people might know obscure sources of
Einstein’s sayings and writings, to try to verify the quote. It surely did
not turn up in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, nor in the Oxford Dictionary
of Quotations. Those specialists in Einstein data and history could not
verify the quote (which is the careful way of phrasing it). One fellow I
spoke with said if he had a nickel for every time he was asked to verify the
compound interest quote, he would have no need for compound interest.
I can say with confidence that Albert Einstein never wrote or said anything
about compound interest. While Einstein wrote about a wide variety of topics,
compound interest is not among them.
markharrison Says: (其中一個回應者)
September 28th, 2007 at 4:31 am
I had to investigate the same “Did Einstein say that?” question for a piece
on my blog.
As far as I could tell, the phrase was first used in a 1983 article in the
New York Times.
: 首先我想強調
: 一直討論基金有沒有複利這個問題 感覺上似乎沒有很大的意義
: 反正能賺錢就是好的投資
: 我也不是想追根究底.咬文嚼字 或跟版眾做無謂的爭執
: 只是對基金公司與理財書強打 "投資基金 達到複利的效果" 感到反感與疑惑
: 用這種質疑與困惑的心態來討論 希望大家不要傷和氣才好 ^^
: 畢竟每次看到以下說法:
: 愛因斯坦︰「複利是世界上最可怕的力量」 (複利不可怕 不懂複利才令人害怕)
: 複利比原子彈還可怕 (這怎麼比??)
: 定期定額投資基金最能發揮時間的複利效果 (甚至連定期定額都跟複利有關了??)
Einstein, compound interest: Does not compute
I wrote to the Albert Einstein Institute, to the American Institute of
Physics, and to other places where people might know obscure sources of
Einstein’s sayings and writings, to try to verify the quote. It surely did
not turn up in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, nor in the Oxford Dictionary
of Quotations. Those specialists in Einstein data and history could not
verify the quote (which is the careful way of phrasing it). One fellow I
spoke with said if he had a nickel for every time he was asked to verify the
compound interest quote, he would have no need for compound interest.
I can say with confidence that Albert Einstein never wrote or said anything
about compound interest. While Einstein wrote about a wide variety of topics,
compound interest is not among them.
markharrison Says: (其中一個回應者)
September 28th, 2007 at 4:31 am
I had to investigate the same “Did Einstein say that?” question for a piece
on my blog.
As far as I could tell, the phrase was first used in a 1983 article in the
New York Times.
All Comments

By Hardy
at 2007-11-06T03:09
at 2007-11-06T03:09

By Anonymous
at 2007-11-10T07:31
at 2007-11-10T07:31

By Irma
at 2007-11-12T08:21
at 2007-11-12T08:21

By Annie
at 2007-11-15T02:55
at 2007-11-15T02:55

By Linda
at 2007-11-16T18:34
at 2007-11-16T18:34

By Poppy
at 2007-11-18T20:50
at 2007-11-18T20:50

By Olga
at 2007-11-23T01:34
at 2007-11-23T01:34
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