幾題經濟學原理總體經濟習題請教 - 經濟

By Adele
at 2014-04-25T19:56
at 2014-04-25T19:56
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Jasonfm89 (Jasonfm89)》之銘言:
: 各位版友晚安,小弟我目前正在練習經濟學原理轉學考考古題,遇到一些題目不甚了解,
: 還請版上各路高手予以指導點撥,感激不盡,謝謝各位。
: 以下是我想請教的五題習題
: 1. Most, but not all, athletic apparel sold in the United States is imported
: from other nations. If the price of athletic apparel increases, the GDP
: deflator will
: a. increase less than will the consumer price index.
: b. increase more than will the consumer price index.
: c. not increase, but the consumer price index will increase.
: d. increase, but the consumer price index will not increase.
: 2. Mike,an American, buys a designer dress produced by an American-owned
: fashion shop in France. As a result, U.S. consumption increases, U.S. net
: exports
: a. decrease, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and U.S. GNP increases
: b. decrease, U.S. GDP increases, and U.S. GNP is unaffected
: c. decrease, U.S. GNP increases, and French GDP is unaffected
: d. are unaffected, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and French GDP increases.
: 3. In one year in the country of Countem, workers earned $4150, proprietor's
: income was $392,
: rental income was $20, corporate profits were $683, net interest was $228,
: taxes on
: production and imports were $329, business current transfer payments were
: $12, the current
: surplus of government enterprises was $3, statistical discrepancy was $28,
: consumption of
: fixed capital was $882, factor income received from the rest of the world was
: $331, and
: payments of factor income to the rest of the world was $623. Based on these
: data, which
: of the following statements is JVOT correct?
: (a) National income equals $5817.
: (b) Net national product is $5845.
: (c) Gross national product is $7019.
: (d) Net factor income is -$292.
: 4. Suppose the economy is in long run equilibrium. If the monthly minimum
: wage increase from 18,000NT$ to 25,000NT$ , and there is an increase in
: pessimism about future business condition, then in the short-run, real GDP
: will
: a. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not but real GDP will be unaffected
: b. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not
: but real GDP will be unaffected
: c. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not but real GDP will be lower
: d. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not
: but real GDP will be lower
: 5.When an economy grows out of a recession, normally the demand of bonds
: and the supply of bonds
: a. increases, increases
: b. increases, decreases
: c. decreases, increases
: d. decreases, decreases
: 五題的答案依序是caaad,以下我大概補充一下我有問題的點:
: 1.可否解釋一下為何會如此影響CPI與GDP平減指數?
: 2.美國人在法國購買美國貨為甚麼會與美國GDP中的消費與出口有關啊?
進出口量減少, 所以美國GDP減少
: 3.這題的詳解與課本上GDP;NNP;NI等指標的定義有些不太相同......
從國民所得會計帳 GDP成本面 所得面 支出面去看
: 4.這題不是很了解它的問題內容,可以請版上高手解釋一下嗎?
這題是說當國內工資上漲,對景氣悲觀下 對實質GDP的影響,國內工資上漲
: 5.煩請說明為何從不景氣復甦會如此影響債券供需?
: 以上五題,還請各位不吝伸出援手予以指教,小弟在此跪謝各位版大了~~~~
: 各位版友晚安,小弟我目前正在練習經濟學原理轉學考考古題,遇到一些題目不甚了解,
: 還請版上各路高手予以指導點撥,感激不盡,謝謝各位。
: 以下是我想請教的五題習題
: 1. Most, but not all, athletic apparel sold in the United States is imported
: from other nations. If the price of athletic apparel increases, the GDP
: deflator will
: a. increase less than will the consumer price index.
: b. increase more than will the consumer price index.
: c. not increase, but the consumer price index will increase.
: d. increase, but the consumer price index will not increase.
: 2. Mike,an American, buys a designer dress produced by an American-owned
: fashion shop in France. As a result, U.S. consumption increases, U.S. net
: exports
: a. decrease, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and U.S. GNP increases
: b. decrease, U.S. GDP increases, and U.S. GNP is unaffected
: c. decrease, U.S. GNP increases, and French GDP is unaffected
: d. are unaffected, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and French GDP increases.
: 3. In one year in the country of Countem, workers earned $4150, proprietor's
: income was $392,
: rental income was $20, corporate profits were $683, net interest was $228,
: taxes on
: production and imports were $329, business current transfer payments were
: $12, the current
: surplus of government enterprises was $3, statistical discrepancy was $28,
: consumption of
: fixed capital was $882, factor income received from the rest of the world was
: $331, and
: payments of factor income to the rest of the world was $623. Based on these
: data, which
: of the following statements is JVOT correct?
: (a) National income equals $5817.
: (b) Net national product is $5845.
: (c) Gross national product is $7019.
: (d) Net factor income is -$292.
: 4. Suppose the economy is in long run equilibrium. If the monthly minimum
: wage increase from 18,000NT$ to 25,000NT$ , and there is an increase in
: pessimism about future business condition, then in the short-run, real GDP
: will
: a. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not but real GDP will be unaffected
: b. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not
: but real GDP will be unaffected
: c. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not but real GDP will be lower
: d. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
: level might change or not
: but real GDP will be lower
: 5.When an economy grows out of a recession, normally the demand of bonds
: and the supply of bonds
: a. increases, increases
: b. increases, decreases
: c. decreases, increases
: d. decreases, decreases
: 五題的答案依序是caaad,以下我大概補充一下我有問題的點:
: 1.可否解釋一下為何會如此影響CPI與GDP平減指數?
: 2.美國人在法國購買美國貨為甚麼會與美國GDP中的消費與出口有關啊?
進出口量減少, 所以美國GDP減少
: 3.這題的詳解與課本上GDP;NNP;NI等指標的定義有些不太相同......
從國民所得會計帳 GDP成本面 所得面 支出面去看
: 4.這題不是很了解它的問題內容,可以請版上高手解釋一下嗎?
這題是說當國內工資上漲,對景氣悲觀下 對實質GDP的影響,國內工資上漲
: 5.煩請說明為何從不景氣復甦會如此影響債券供需?
: 以上五題,還請各位不吝伸出援手予以指教,小弟在此跪謝各位版大了~~~~
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