幾題經濟學原理總體經濟習題請教 - 經濟

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-04-02T20:53

Table of Contents


1. Most, but not all, athletic apparel sold in the United States is imported
from other nations. If the price of athletic apparel increases, the GDP
deflator will
a. increase less than will the consumer price index.
b. increase more than will the consumer price index.
c. not increase, but the consumer price index will increase.
d. increase, but the consumer price index will not increase.

2. Mike,an American, buys a designer dress produced by an American-owned
fashion shop in France. As a result, U.S. consumption increases, U.S. net
a. decrease, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and U.S. GNP increases
b. decrease, U.S. GDP increases, and U.S. GNP is unaffected
c. decrease, U.S. GNP increases, and French GDP is unaffected
d. are unaffected, U.S. GDP is unaffected, and French GDP increases.

3. In one year in the country of Countem, workers earned $4150, proprietor's
income was $392,
rental income was $20, corporate profits were $683, net interest was $228,
taxes on
production and imports were $329, business current transfer payments were
$12, the current
surplus of government enterprises was $3, statistical discrepancy was $28,
consumption of
fixed capital was $882, factor income received from the rest of the world was
$331, and
payments of factor income to the rest of the world was $623. Based on these
data, which
of the following statements is JVOT correct?
(a) National income equals $5817.
(b) Net national product is $5845.
(c) Gross national product is $7019.
(d) Net factor income is -$292.

4. Suppose the economy is in long run equilibrium. If the monthly minimum
wage increase from 18,000NT$ to 25,000NT$ , and there is an increase in
pessimism about future business condition, then in the short-run, real GDP
a. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
level might change or not but real GDP will be unaffected
b. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
level might change or not
but real GDP will be unaffected
c. rise and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
level might change or not but real GDP will be lower
d. fall and the price level might change or not. In the long-run, the price
level might change or not
but real GDP will be lower

5.When an economy grows out of a recession, normally the demand of bonds
and the supply of bonds
a. increases, increases
b. increases, decreases
c. decreases, increases
d. decreases, decreases



Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2014-04-05T14:23


William avatar
By William
at 2014-03-28T20:57
不好意思,因為明天要台大經濟面試了希望各位大大能替我簡單解答 我的疑惑大致如下: (1)美元和黃金理論上是反向變動,可是為什麼實施QE美元貶值,金價還是在低檔呢? 是不是因為QE是直接強迫貨幣的供給增加的緣故? (2)為什麼美國QE開始減碼,美國有可能升息,會導致台灣也有升息的壓力? 我嘗試從不升息的角度 ...

研究所 自修個體經濟學的用書

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-03-27T00:53
請問一下 版上有沒有可以推薦一下 假如目標是 前5大志願的 目標在 國企.商研.企管 非財金 跟經研 的研究所 假如是自修的話 可以是否推薦一下書單 - ...

大陸首發信用評級原理 專家:對西方評級

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2014-03-26T16:19
※ [本文轉錄自 ForeignEX 看板 #1JCepwzR ] 作者: GETpoint (擲雷爆卦) 看板: ForeignEX 標題: [新聞] 大陸首發信用評級原理 專家:對西方評級 時間: Wed Mar 26 16:16:50 2014 原文連結: http://news.cnyes.c ...

蔡攀龍 張寶塔 個體經濟學勘誤

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-03-23T17:57
請問一下 之前好像有聽說 蔡攀龍老師跟張寶塔老師他們 一起出的個體經濟學那本書的勘誤 請問一下 有沒有版大的人可以分享看看那些資料呢 拜託拜託 然後請教一下 這本書 想考 台大 政大 商研 企管 國企 適不適合 念這一本書呢?? - ...

成本函數 長短期問題

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-03-19T20:45
來源: 淡江上課的題目 科目:經濟學 問題: 生產函數Q=L^0.5K^0.5 K單價10 L單價5 短期K固定4 問Q=多少時長短期一樣 我的想法: 用MPL/w=MPK/r 解出長期最適L與K的比例 當短期符合最小成本 即與長期成本相同 因長期必定生產在最適 解出L=16 Q=8 算 ...