對念博班有用的數學課 - 經濟

By Kristin
at 2012-06-22T02:34
at 2012-06-22T02:34
Table of Contents
linear algebra, real analysis, stats, probability theory
目前已經快拿完了 所以想再拿一些真的會有幫助的數學課
目前有考慮Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
或ODE也想拿stochastic process跟topology
但是學校stochastic process跟topology這學期沒有提供
所以想請問一下要拿Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations或ODE
我也想都拿 但是我拿太多課會超出畢業學分上限 所以只能選一堂
有聽說過拿differential eqn有幫助 但這兩堂都有關differential eqn
Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations.
Dynamical systems analysis of nonlinear systems of differential equations.
One- and two- dimensional flows. Fixed points, limit cycles, and stability
analysis. Bifurcations and normal forms. Elementary geometrical and topological
results. Applications to problems in biology, chemistry, physics, and other
Ordinary Differential Equations.
Selected topics in differential equations. Laplace transforms, existence and
uniqueness theorems, Fourier series, separation of variable solutions to
partial differential equations, Sturm-Liouville theory, calculus of variations,
two point boundary value problems, Green's functions.
還想問一下stochastic process跟topology哪一堂對念博班比較有幫助
目前感覺對microeconomics比較有興趣 所以也希望拿的課對念microeconomics有幫助
※ 編輯: cournot 來自: (06/22 03:34)
※ 編輯: cournot 來自: (06/22 07:04)
linear algebra, real analysis, stats, probability theory
目前已經快拿完了 所以想再拿一些真的會有幫助的數學課
目前有考慮Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
或ODE也想拿stochastic process跟topology
但是學校stochastic process跟topology這學期沒有提供
所以想請問一下要拿Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations或ODE
我也想都拿 但是我拿太多課會超出畢業學分上限 所以只能選一堂
有聽說過拿differential eqn有幫助 但這兩堂都有關differential eqn
Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations.
Dynamical systems analysis of nonlinear systems of differential equations.
One- and two- dimensional flows. Fixed points, limit cycles, and stability
analysis. Bifurcations and normal forms. Elementary geometrical and topological
results. Applications to problems in biology, chemistry, physics, and other
Ordinary Differential Equations.
Selected topics in differential equations. Laplace transforms, existence and
uniqueness theorems, Fourier series, separation of variable solutions to
partial differential equations, Sturm-Liouville theory, calculus of variations,
two point boundary value problems, Green's functions.
還想問一下stochastic process跟topology哪一堂對念博班比較有幫助
目前感覺對microeconomics比較有興趣 所以也希望拿的課對念microeconomics有幫助
※ 編輯: cournot 來自: (06/22 03:34)
※ 編輯: cournot 來自: (06/22 07:04)
推 Yukirin:高微? 06/22 10:14
推 maxinequeen:隨機過程-總體&計量, 拓譜-個體 06/22 10:39
→ cournot:我一直搞不懂高微是指什麼 但我猜是指real analysis 06/22 10:40
→ cournot:謝謝推文 06/22 10:45
→ gozule:個人覺得高微就是real analysis的基礎課程 06/22 12:41
推 henrypinge:高微->實分析 後面學複分析 泛函 傅式轉換都有基礎 06/22 13:27
推 henrypinge:台灣高微的課差不多都是Rudinc或是Apostal那兩本 06/22 13:29
→ henrypinge:高微可以把它稱為基礎數學分析 06/22 13:30
→ cournot:不好意思 沒寫清楚 因為real analysis有a,b,c三堂 06/22 13:43
→ cournot:我指的是a 所以就是台灣的高微 但是有必要再上到之後的課 06/22 13:44
→ cournot:程嗎? 很多學校都只說real analysis 所以是指實分析也都 06/22 13:46
→ cournot:要修完嗎 06/22 13:46
推 subay:好恐怖QQ 06/22 22:45
→ raiderho:怎會有這個結論?對多數經濟學論文而言,修完高微就綽綽 06/23 05:42
→ raiderho:有餘,最多補點測度論的概念就好。數學又深又難,除非你 06/23 05:44
→ raiderho:做很理論的經濟學,不然,玩熟必要的數學工具即可。 06/23 05:45
→ Linethan:樓上 但我也聽過有學校的經博 都要修至少Real Analysis 06/26 17:13
→ Linethan:程度的數學課 雖然在實際做研究時可能用不到 但是在訓練 06/26 17:14
→ Linethan:的過程中還是不可避免的吧 06/26 17:14
推 bookticket:其實我想問的是 超出畢業學分上限會怎麼樣嗎XD|||? 06/29 01:12
→ bookticket:另外 就課程步驟來說 應該是ODE先 再LNSDE那堂吧XD 06/29 01:13
→ bookticket:另外 在台灣 高微=高等微積分 但在不同系會上不一樣的 06/29 01:14
→ bookticket:東西 例如統計系上的高微 可能只是大一微積分將某些主 06/29 01:15
→ bookticket:題延伸到多變數去討論而已 06/29 01:16
→ bookticket:然後在某些系會比較規規矩矩地地上屬於"分析"的東西 06/29 01:17
→ bookticket:(像是Rudin或Apostol的書的內容) 06/29 01:17
→ bookticket:也會有一些系比較變態一點(ex112數學系)會上到一些實 06/29 01:19
→ bookticket:分析的東西 06/29 01:19
→ bookticket:所以在台灣 一個高微 可能有三種內容 XD 06/29 01:20
推 bookticket:(=>在台灣,高微= 多變數微積分 or 數學分析 or 實分析) 06/29 01:24
→ cournot:超出就被趕出學校 沒記錯連學位也不會給你 06/29 09:27
→ cournot:不過學校是ODE跟LNSDE的enforced requisite只有基礎的 06/29 09:31
→ cournot:differential eqn 06/29 09:31
→ cournot:剛好是用Apostal的書 而且還有math131c 我想應該是實分析? 06/29 09:35
→ cournot:不過這是學校最接近實分析的課 也只能拿到這樣了 06/29 09:36
→ cournot:謝謝推文 06/29 09:40
→ cournot:至於申請學校需求 我想這很難說 我認識只有修過高微上了學 06/29 09:43
→ cournot:校的博班加獎學金 也沒有probability theory 06/29 09:44
→ cournot:可能公民身分可以抵數學課吧XD 非公民就乖乖上數學課吧 06/29 09:45
推 itai:cournot你給的連結是什麼,不能開耶XD 07/02 12:03
All Comments

By Joe
at 2012-06-24T22:32
at 2012-06-24T22:32

By Daph Bay
at 2012-06-28T14:09
at 2012-06-28T14:09

By Annie
at 2012-06-29T14:29
at 2012-06-29T14:29

By Ophelia
at 2012-07-02T03:40
at 2012-07-02T03:40

By Callum
at 2012-07-03T04:31
at 2012-07-03T04:31

By Caitlin
at 2012-07-08T01:33
at 2012-07-08T01:33

By Callum
at 2012-07-10T18:35
at 2012-07-10T18:35

By Brianna
at 2012-07-14T06:46
at 2012-07-14T06:46

By David
at 2012-07-17T15:51
at 2012-07-17T15:51

By Jessica
at 2012-07-19T02:27
at 2012-07-19T02:27

By Elizabeth
at 2012-07-20T16:39
at 2012-07-20T16:39

By Elizabeth
at 2012-07-22T18:29
at 2012-07-22T18:29

By Eden
at 2012-07-27T12:48
at 2012-07-27T12:48

By Kristin
at 2012-07-31T20:10
at 2012-07-31T20:10

By Megan
at 2012-08-02T13:17
at 2012-08-02T13:17

By Lily
at 2012-08-06T12:55
at 2012-08-06T12:55

By Valerie
at 2012-08-08T02:33
at 2012-08-08T02:33

By Frederic
at 2012-08-09T05:02
at 2012-08-09T05:02

By Hamiltion
at 2012-08-13T19:06
at 2012-08-13T19:06

By Christine
at 2012-08-15T21:25
at 2012-08-15T21:25

By Una
at 2012-08-17T17:40
at 2012-08-17T17:40

By Susan
at 2012-08-18T08:19
at 2012-08-18T08:19

By Iris
at 2012-08-19T07:11
at 2012-08-19T07:11

By Olga
at 2012-08-21T23:07
at 2012-08-21T23:07

By Audriana
at 2012-08-22T18:32
at 2012-08-22T18:32

By Linda
at 2012-08-26T22:36
at 2012-08-26T22:36

By Madame
at 2012-08-27T12:03
at 2012-08-27T12:03

By Frederic
at 2012-08-30T17:42
at 2012-08-30T17:42

By Agatha
at 2012-09-03T18:52
at 2012-09-03T18:52

By Andy
at 2012-09-06T08:45
at 2012-09-06T08:45

By Ingrid
at 2012-09-07T18:25
at 2012-09-07T18:25

By Lucy
at 2012-09-08T09:00
at 2012-09-08T09:00

By Anthony
at 2012-09-10T21:00
at 2012-09-10T21:00

By Valerie
at 2012-09-13T15:05
at 2012-09-13T15:05

By Frederica
at 2012-09-15T00:12
at 2012-09-15T00:12

By Lydia
at 2012-09-19T04:48
at 2012-09-19T04:48

By Audriana
at 2012-09-22T20:26
at 2012-09-22T20:26

By Liam
at 2012-09-26T22:36
at 2012-09-26T22:36

By Edwina
at 2012-09-27T23:45
at 2012-09-27T23:45
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