專攻光學領域的事務所 - 專利

By Damian
at 2018-09-26T00:36
at 2018-09-26T00:36
Table of Contents
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Patent/M.1537875573.A.0F7.html
1. 台灣就這麼大,每個客戶的業務量就這麼多
友達 vs 群創 vs LGD vs Samsung
大立光 vs Canon Taiwan vs 陽明光
2. 即使在歐美,除非那種客戶明文禁止的,要不然利益衝突是case by case
3. 產業競爭
我現在上的Professional Ethics有一個課堂討論題:
You have two existing patent clients in the electronics sector, A & B.
Last week, A told you about a new invention in a new area for them.
They are excited about it and want it patented. You have started work
on it but you have not yet filed the application. Today, B sends you
an email describing the exact same invention. They also want it patented.
What do you do?
-Musker, D. "Professional Ethics for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys." CCLS
@qmul, 2018. p. 14
推 hensu: 恕我先前用詞不當.....保密確實是代理機構必須要遵守的 09/25 19:50
推 hensu: 就算是預期會公開的內容...我的意思並不是事務所可以洩露 09/25 19:59
→ deathcustom: h大沒事,在這兒大家用字比較沒這麼嚴謹,講開就好 09/25 20:00
→ deathcustom: 因為實務上揭露內容(文字或口述)>說明書是通常狀況 09/25 20:01
※ 編輯: deathcustom (, 09/25/2018 20:05:01 推 Cortisone: 我也跟原原po說聲抱歉 不過事務所沒做好利益衝突查詢有 09/25 22:53
→ Cortisone: 點扯欸 09/25 22:53
回應C大 這方面,台灣的事務所對於利益衝突是處於一個很尷尬的處境
1. 台灣就這麼大,每個客戶的業務量就這麼多
友達 vs 群創 vs LGD vs Samsung
大立光 vs Canon Taiwan vs 陽明光
2. 即使在歐美,除非那種客戶明文禁止的,要不然利益衝突是case by case
3. 產業競爭
我現在上的Professional Ethics有一個課堂討論題:
You have two existing patent clients in the electronics sector, A & B.
Last week, A told you about a new invention in a new area for them.
They are excited about it and want it patented. You have started work
on it but you have not yet filed the application. Today, B sends you
an email describing the exact same invention. They also want it patented.
What do you do?
-Musker, D. "Professional Ethics for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys." CCLS
@qmul, 2018. p. 14
All Comments

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