富比世 2012 年全球市值前 2000 名企業 - 投資

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2012-04-20T20:31

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2012 完整排名在此,




The World's Biggest Companies
4 comments, 2 called-out

Worried about the global economy? It’s easy to see why. Europe shovels stimulus and America grapples for growth. Asia, long a bright spot, is dimming. Apple alone accounts for much of the S&P’s boom. Yet the world’s largest companies still thrive, with double-digit growth in sales and earnings last year.

In total, the Global 2000 companies now account for $36 trillion in revenues (up 12%), $2.64 trillion in profits (up 11%), $149 trillion in assets (up 8%) and $37 trillion in market value (down 0.5%). These firms also employ 83 million people worldwide. All metrics, except for the firms’ values are up from a year ago due to slumping international markets dragging down the aggregate growth.

Forbes annual ranking of the world’s biggest companies departs from lopsided lists based on a single metric, like sales. Instead we use an equal weighting of sales, profits, assets and market value to rank companies according to size. This year’s list again reveals the dynamism of global business. This year’s rankings span 66 countries, adding four countries this year. The U.S. (524 members) and Japan (258 members) still dominate the list, but with a combined 14 fewer entries. Mainland China is
closing the gap on the two leaders and sits as the third largest country in terms of membership with 15 more members this year. Other countries adding to their total this year are South Korea (68 firms), India (61) and the U.K. (93). Countries standing out in terms of growth across all four metrics are Thailand, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

In our ninth annual ranking, Exxon Mobil, the world’s most profitable company this year, takes the number one spot as the biggest Global 2000 company for the first time. JPMorgan Chase, last year’s biggest company, takes a back seat to Exxon this year followed by GE, the Netherlands’ Royal Dutch Shell and Chinese bank ICBC. Looking further down the list of Top 25, there are some standouts this year. Apple took over the title as the “most valuable” company on the list, jumping 25 places to number 22
overall this year. BP (No. 11) returned to the top 25 this year, up from 390 last year. Key to the climb is a return to profitability in 2011, reversing 2010′s $3.3 billion net loss to posting $26 billion in net income. Japan’s Toyota Motor (No. 25) also broke into the elite 25, up from number 55 a year ago.

An analysis of the Global 2000 shows that despite the turmoil in the financial sector, banks and diversified financials still dominate the list, with a combined 478 companies in the 2000 lineup, thanks in large measure to their asset totals. The oil and gas industry, with 131 companies, scores high in sales and profits, yet these sectors were not the leaders in growth over the past year. Materials, led by metals and mining companies, led all sectors in sales (up 41%). Big profit growth for automakers
propelled the consumer durables industry to lead all others in profit growth (up 95%). Asset growth of Asia’s heavy equipment firms account for the capital goods industry lead in asset growth (up 25%). Investors rushed into restaurant stocks as the consumer recovery took shape in 2011 to lead all sectors in market value growth (up 24%).

We broke down our list into four regions this year: Asia-Pacific, (733 total members), followed by Europe, Middle East & Africa-EMEA (605), the U.S. (524) and the Americas (145). Only the U.S. grew across all four metrics from a year ago. Asia-Pacific, the biggest region in terms of members, led in sales growth (up 26%), profit growth (up 29%) and asset growth (up 19%). The U.S. was the only region to show a gain in market value from a year ago with 6% growth to an aggregate value of $13 trillion,
tops among all regions.

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All Comments

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-04-24T17:00
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-04-27T14:46
可惜 沒有global 2000的ETF 不然我想全部押這支
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-05-01T20:30
Global 100 ETF 似乎風險有點高


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2012-04-20T16:57
1.日前有媒體放出新聞指出台北單坪房價相對香港新加坡日本 十分便宜 值得投資 但斷章取義的忽略了其投資價值 是全世界and#34;倒數and#34;的 如果你是外資大陸客 為什麼不把錢放在其他風險更低 投資價格更高的國家 ?? 有人會說台北市首善之都 怎樣都會有人接 但如果你要買屋 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-04-18T20:07
最近我有個朋友, 她對於近來物價不斷的上漲充滿了抱怨, 她說:「眼睛一睜開就有一家大小五口的吃喝拉撒睡,薪水又不多,實在很難過… 想買個房子又覺得房價高的離譜,都是那些有錢人、建商、投機客在炒地皮炒房價,這生 活到底要怎麼過。接下來免不了按表操課的把馬小九也臭罵了一頓,同一時間她的手指正 滑著新買的iphon ...

今天YPF暴跌 -15% 4/2/2012

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-04-17T00:32
※ 引述《fdsafdsa2 (alfred)》之銘言: : 似乎沒有看到台灣新聞有關的中文報導 阿根廷石油公司可能國有化 : NYSE:YPF -15.49% yield 11.95% : 當初看上高股利 又想說壟斷石油公司而買入的投資人慘了 : 西班牙石油 Repsol YPF SA OTC:R ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2012-04-16T13:16
想請問投資陸股ETF 哪種管道會比較便宜? 例如 1.方便性 2.費用 - ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-04-16T01:05
看過綠角那本書之後, 得知美國在交易成本與選擇上都比台灣好上不少 再加上最近615, 突然覺得, 不如專心研究美股或許是個不錯的選擇 畢竟投資美國再怎麼樣都勝過台灣, 那邊值得常抱的公司比起台灣來是 多上不少... 但我英文不算太好, 所以要花一段時間研究 不知道各位有沒有推薦研究美股必看的網站 ...