大立光之鏡頭相關專利再出擊,狀告惠普、 - 專利

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-10-02T19:38

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大立光電 (Largan Precision Co.,LTD) 於2019年9月 25日向美國東德州地方法院控告惠普 (HP Inc.),先進光電科技(Ability Opto-Electronics Technology Co., Ltd)和新鉅科技(Newmax Technology Co., Ltd),主張被告侵害大立光電所擁有的四件專利:美國專利7274518,8395691,8988796和9146378。

大立光電主張構成侵權的產品是:惠普的15款筆記型電腦產品 (例如:Spectre Folio, HP Pavilion, Envy, Omen, EliteBook, 和 ZBook) 中所使用的鏡頭,依據大立光電的調查,認為相關侵權鏡頭係由先進光電科技和新鉅科技供應。


(1)USP# 7274518專利
2007-09-25, US7274518 B1

1. An optical system comprising four lens elements with refractive power, from the object side to the image side:
a first lens element with positive refractive power having a convex front surface and a concave rear surface, and at least one surface of the first lens element is aspheric;
a second lens element with negative refractive power having a concave rear surface, and the front surface and the rear surface of the second lens element are aspheric;
a third lens element with positive refractive power having a concave front surface and a convex rear surface, and the front surface and the rear surface of the third lens element are aspheric;
a fourth lens element having a convex front surface and a concave rear surface, the front surface and the rear surface of the fourth lens element are aspheric, and at least one inflection point is formed on the rear surface of the fourth lens element;
an aperture stop located between the object side of the optical system and the second lens element, for controlling the brightness of the optical system;
wherein the radius of curvature of a front surface of the second lens element is R3, the Abbe number of the second lens element is V2, and they satisfy the following relations:
the focal length of the fourth lens element is f4, the focal length of the optical system is f, and they satisfy the following relation:

其中,第二透鏡的前表面的曲率半徑為R 3,第二透鏡的阿貝數為V 2,它們滿足以下關係:
-0.02 [1 / mm] <1 / R 3 <0.22 [1 / mm]
V2 <40
第四透鏡的焦距為f 4,光學系統的焦距為f,它們滿足以下關係:
f / f 4 <0.1。

(2)USP# 8395691專利
公開日為2012-02-23, US20120044403A1

2. An optical image-capturing lens assembly comprising, in order from an object side to an image side:
a first lens element with positive refractive power having a convex object-side surface;
a second lens element with negative refractive power;
a plastic third lens element, the object-side and image-side surfaces thereof being aspheric; and
a plastic fourth lens element having a concave image-side surface, the object-side and image-side surfaces thereof being aspheric and at least one inflection point being formed on at least one of the object-side and image-side surfaces thereof,
wherein the assembly is further provided with an electronic sensor for image formation of an object, the electronic sensor is disposed at an image plane, a distance on the optical axis between the object-side surface of the first lens element and the electronic sensor is TTL, and they satisfy the following relation:
1.80 mm<TTL<3.20 mm.

其中,該組件還設置有用於形成物體的圖像的電子傳感器,該電子傳感器設置在圖像平面上,在第一透鏡的物體側表面和電子傳感器之間的光軸上的距離為TTL ,並且它們滿足以下關係:
1.80毫米< TTL < 3.20毫米。

圖一、訴狀檢附HP Spectre Folio所使用鏡頭的電腦斷層掃描圖:'518和'691專利

圖二、'518和 '691專利對應實施例圖示:

(3)USP# 8988796專利
公開日為2015-03-24, USP 8988796

3. An image capturing lens system comprising, in order from an object side to an image side:
a first lens element having refractive power;
a second lens element with positive refractive power having a convex image-side surface in a paraxial region thereof;
a third lens element with negative refractive power having a concave object-side surface in a paraxial region thereof and a convex image-side surface in a paraxial region thereof; and
a fourth lens element with refractive power having a concave image-side surface in a paraxial region thereof, wherein both of an object-side surface and the image-side surface of the fourth lens element are aspheric, and the image-side surface of the fourth lens element has at least one convex shape in an off-axis region thereof;
wherein the image capturing lens system has a total of four lens elements with refractive power, an axial distance between the object-side surface of the first lens element and the image-side surface of the fourth lens element is Td, half of a maximal field of view of the image capturing lens system is HFOV, a focal length of the image capturing lens system is f, a focal length of the fourth lens element is f4, an f-number of the image capturing lens system is Fno, and the following conditions are
0.5 mm<Td<3.2 mm;
1.0 mm<Td/tan(HFOV)<3.75 mm;
|f/f4|<1.20; and

0.5毫米< Td < 3.2毫米;
1.0mm < Td / tan(HFOV)<3.75mm;
| f / f 4 | <1.20; 和
1.40 <Fno.25。

圖三、訴狀檢附HP Pavilion X360所使用鏡頭的電腦斷層掃描圖:’796專利

圖四、'796 專利對應實施例圖示

(4)USP# 9146378專利
公開日為2015-04-23, USP US20150108597A1

4. An image capturing lens assembly comprising, in order from an object side to an image side:
a first lens element with positive refractive power having a convex object-side surface and a convex image-side surface, wherein the object-side surface and the image-side surface of the first lens element are aspheric;
a second lens element with positive refractive power having a concave object-side surface and a convex image-side surface, wherein the object-side surface and the image-side surface of the second lens element are aspheric; and
a third lens element with negative refractive power having a concave image-side surface in a paraxial region thereof, wherein the image-side surface of the third lens element has at least one convex shape in an off-axis region thereof, and an object-side surface and the image-side surface of the third lens element are aspheric;
wherein the image capturing lens assembly has a total of three lens elements with refractive power and further includes a stop disposed between the first lens element and the second lens element, a focal length of the image capturing lens assembly is f, a focal length of the second lens element is f2, a focal length of the third lens element is f3, an axial distance between the stop and the image-side surface of the third lens element is SD, an axial distance between the object-side surface of the first
lens element and the image-side surface of the third lens element is TD, a central thickness of the first lens element is CT1, a central thickness of the second lens element is CT2, an entrance pupil diameter of the image capturing lens assembly is EPD, and the following conditions are satisfied:
0.20<CT2/CT1<0.85; and

-3.0 <f 2 / f 3 <0;
0.58 <SD / TD < 0.82;
0.20 <CT 2 / CT 1 <0.85; 和
1.20 <f / EPD < 2.80。

圖五、訴狀檢附HP Pavilion X360所使用鏡頭的電腦斷層掃描圖:’378專利



(1)推測大立光電的訴訟策略,先從台灣開始,告贏後再打國際戰。大立光電可能嘗試建立訴訟主軸theme,努力使法官陪審團建立 “被告曾經剽竊原告智慧財產權”

(2)大立光電透過不同途徑,嘗試主張較早的侵權通知日notice of infringement date,以便能請求更長期間的損害賠償past damage,如此盡可能多涵蓋自提起US專利訴訟日起回溯6年期間內,被告相關侵權產品的損害賠償責任:

(i) 侵權通知信函日期:2013年8月曾經發函給HP和先進光電科技,告知侵害 ‘691專利;2019 年3~4月先發侵權通知信函給HP告知多項產品鏡頭侵權,2019年5月再發函給先進光電科技;另外於2019年8月發函給新鉅科技。
(ii) 產品專利標示日期:從 2012年1月開始於產品標示 '518專利號碼;從 2013年3月開始於產品標示 ‘691專利號碼。
(iii) 專利申請案引用關係日期:先進光電科技的9097860號US專利曾經收到美國專利商標局2015年8月4日發出的核駁通知,其中曾引用 ‘691專利為核駁前案證據。另外,先進光電科技的9729771號US專利曾經收到美國專利商標局2016年11月4日發出的核駁通知,其中曾引用 ’378專利為核駁前案證據。而新鉅科技的10007096號US專利曾經收到美國專利商標局2017年6月28日發出的核駁通知,其中曾引用’691專利為核駁前案證據。


Tags: 專利

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2019-10-07T09:36
這個claim略窄 舉發難度略高 Hp等廠要倒楣了 XD
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2019-10-11T23:33
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2019-10-16T13:30


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-09-30T21:20
請問各位先進 最近收到中國的核駁決定 打算要提出複審 不知中國複審的修正 允不允許大幅度的修正? 是要把複審當成前如幾次OA的申復(但也沒內容可說了) 還是可以像台灣分割案一樣 進行較大幅度的修改內容 在原圖 原說明書內容的情況下 修改目的 功效 專利名稱 比如說我原本請求X裝置,包括: ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2019-09-26T17:12
華為訴康文森案一審判決:中國標準必要專利授權費糾紛 http://bit.ly/2lK1eEI 本案是南京中院作出第一案例:標準必要專利授權費糾紛。對於,標準必要專利(SEPs)授 權費率核算,法院經審理並作出判決,最終採用了自上而下計算FRAND授權費率法,確定 標準必要專利的中國費率的計算公式。 原 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2019-09-24T18:17
中國專利代理人考試用書 https://imgur.com/a/PvigKjI 只有紫色封面的書皮內有鉛筆畫記 其他皆全新 請自取 面交地點: 新北市中和區迪卡農大潤發一帶 有需要者請來信 p.s面交時間為傍晚時段 謝謝! - ...

智慧手錶藍芽配對專利訴訟, 專利授權公司

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-09-24T15:15
US 8,935,691之標的為[方法] 且還蠻[取巧]的至少沒有host system/tareget system的運作示意圖 想告Zenwatch?.....應該是[門都沒有]...理由如下: 1. Zenwatch手錶只能[搭配]ASUS手機嗎??...應該不是!!! https://ww ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-09-23T17:33
各位好 今天得到國昊智權管理顧問公司的面試機會 但板上跟網路上都沒什麼相關資訊 只知道是2013年創立 請問有人知道這間公司嗎? ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...