在IB買外匯跟客服釐清問題 - 理財

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-03-08T01:01

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因為會留一列unrealized gain/loss很礙眼又平倉沒成功下


ChatSys: This chat is associated with ticket #99718. Please record this
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Sean F: Hello, this is 'Sean F'. How may I help you?

wchris167: Hello
Yes, I would like to buy foreign currency with fxconv
but i can find where to put it. all I can trade is with idealpro
but I don't want to use Idealpro
to simplify the question, how can I use the "fxconv"

Sean F: Hi
What platform are you on

wchris167: Webtrader

Sean F: If your order is under usd 25000, it is FXConv
If over it is IdealPro.
You cannot designate that on Webtrader

wchris167: Is idealpro a leverage and charge any interest? as I used it to
buy Euro, and after the transaction done, it keeps showing a row with
unrealized gain/loss

and I learned from internet that fxconv is the real currency conversion,

while idealpro is leverage, and it charges fee when the unrealized gain/loss
become loss

Sean F: It is not leverage

FXConv orders are small and considered odd lots. so you might get a wider bid

wchris167: with idealpro after the transaction why it keeps showing a row
with moving unrealized gain/loss, does it affect anything?
or how can I clear it?

Sean F: That is a Virtual position. Forex traders like to see records of
trades after execution for rate tracking. You can delete it but only in TWS

wchris167: okay, so it's only for reference and won't charge any additional
fee/interest in the future, right?

Sean F: Correct.

wchris167: ok, that's very clear and straight forward. Thank you very much

have a great day!

依據這位客服Sean的肯定說法, idealpro其實就是一般的換匯,只是金額在USD 25K以下
而留著的那一列只是for reference, 不會charge任何利息和費用



where is the answer,
is it forever?

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-03-10T07:25
你應該去外匯版問這個 有點錯版
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2018-03-12T03:30
嗯 但其實我換匯的目的是買其他國家的股票 所以算是一個
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-03-14T07:01
William avatar
By William
at 2018-03-15T17:47
嗯 對的話也可以讓大家了解一下 解除疑惑

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