各類投資模式比較及圖示 - 投資

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-12-11T00:44

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※ 引述《stasis (流雨風雪)》之銘言:
: Bear in mind--this is a critical fact often ignored--that investors as a
: whole cannot get anything out of their businesses except what the businesses
: earn. Sure, you and I can sell each other stocks at higher and higher prices.
: Let's say the FORTUNE 500 was just one business and that the people in this
: room each owned a piece of it. In that case, we could sit here and sell each
: other pieces at ever-ascending prices. You personally might outsmart the next
: fellow by buying low and selling high. But no money would leave the game when
: that happened: You'd simply take out what he put in. Meanwhile, the
: experience of the group wouldn't have been affected a whit, because its fate
: would still be tied to profits. The absolute most that the owners of a
: business, in aggregate, can get out of it in the end--between now and
: Judgment Day--is what that business earns over time.
: -Warren Buffett




Tags: 投資

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-12-14T20:49
你copy的翻譯有點問題喔 建議還是看原文


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-12-11T00:21
美聯準會傳考慮發行債券 http://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news_content/url/d/a/081210/1/19la2.html 2008/12/10 22:13 中央社 (中央社台北2008年12月10日電)根據彭博社引述華爾街日報 (WSJ)報導,消息人士 表示,美國聯準 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-12-10T23:13
※ 引述《yanki826 ()》之銘言: : 我個人覺得 基金跟股票差異就在於本錢跟風險 基金一般指共同基金,是一個投資橋樑, 假設你想買跟全球一起連動的的股票型標的,他是一個橋樑, 你可以找全球股票型基金! 假設你想買跟台灣連動,你可以買台股基金! : 例如你一個月薪水30000塊 一張鴻海都買不到 笑到 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-12-10T21:55
跟大家分享一下, 花旗銀行限期推出美金高利定存的活動, 時間很短,沒有實體DM跟廣告 目前美金: 六個月期的定存利率是2.83% 十二個月期的定存利率是3.01% 最低承作金額為三萬美元 若承作金額達五十萬美元, 可享有美金定存兩個月期4%的高利定存 以上都是單純定存,無須搭配任何投資 這個活動是 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-12-10T21:00
如果我買投資型保單 然後是年繳的 如果在要到期時, 帳戶裡面的金額不夠支付時 保單是立刻失效嗎? 還是有緩衝期?有人可以告訴我嗎 謝謝~ -- 列車要往哪去並不重要,重要的是你要不要坐上去 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hazuki86 - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-12-10T15:46
12月又熱到想穿短袖,青菜因暖冬長不出來造成菜價大漲.其實這些你我身邊的感受與生活 資訊.就是投資契機! 還記得一年前甚麼投資最夯嗎??幫你複習一下!請看[糧食短缺??別在危言聳聽了!! ]. 所講.穀物行情有個永遠的利空.叫作收割.同時也有個永遠的利多.那就是人類的嘴巴 數量不會因會經濟不好而減少..每一 ...