印度通過10億美元補貼IT製造 - 股票

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-02-25T12:35

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(Reuters) - India's cabinet on Wednesday approved a 73.5 billion rupee ($1.02
billion) plan for boosting the local manufacturing and export of IT products s
uch as laptops, tablets, personal computers and servers, the country's technol
ogy minister said.

The production-linked incentive (PLI) plan, which provides manufacturers cash-
backs, will help India export IT goods worth 2.45 trillion rupees, technology
minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told a news conference.

"The focus of the scheme is to get global champions to India and to make natio
nal champions out of local manufacturers," Prasad said, adding that the plan c
ould create roughly 180,000 jobs.

The PLI plan is also likely to help U.S. tech giant Apple Inc assemble some of
its iPad tablets in India, Reuters previously reported.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policy push in the electronics sector has promp
ted Apple suppliers Foxconn and Wistron to expand in India, and driven Pegatro
n to set up base there.

The three Taiwan companies have committed to invest roughly $900 million to ma
ke iPhones in India as part of a $6.7 billion PLI plan launched by the governm
ent last year.

Modi's strategy, coupled with India's huge market, have also helped turned the
country into the world's second-biggest mobile maker after China.

New Delhi now wants to replicate the success of smartphone manufacturing with
other electronics in a bid to cut imports.

The federal cabinet last week approved a $1.68 billion plan to promote local m
anufacturing and export of telecoms and networking gear.


其實各國都學中國老路 錢給的夠就來了

一下暴動一下疫情 但現實就是印度在疫情大爆發經濟下滑嚴重還是有13%fdi增速 外資用

事實上這種組裝也是中國一堆沒上過學的農民工再做的 素質也是很低 花三倍錢根本盤

20萬員工一年差10萬 可是緯創兩年的淨利

只要有錢 殺頭生意都有人做了 適應文化管理成本根本不算什麼

目標量不是很大 最終產品大概300億鎂而已 目前印度的IT製造比紡織還少 其實根本不

印度的優勢在市場換投資 不來就課稅

以前中國代工賺外匯 現在是中國自產自銷蘋果賺外匯走人

其實日 韓 產業升級過程都會出口變少

中國差別是貪官與移民外匯需求大 以及貨幣長期超發導致資產溢價 導致外匯流出大


台灣是中國主要進口國 這五年面臨競爭應該會加劇 中國會不計代價政策扶持降低進口
就像俄羅斯一樣 有出超但只要不夠強貨幣照貶

Tags: 股票

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2021-02-26T06:58
看著外送師 小心翼翼的捧著一杯奶茶給哥
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2021-02-28T11:42
我也想長投印度 想等個大回檔再買00652
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-03-03T19:02
George avatar
By George
at 2021-03-05T04:16
起飛吧 我的INDY 部位不知不覺已經放大到10%了
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2021-03-05T15:37

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By Blanche
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