二00五年楊小凱教授紀念研討會與研習 … - 經濟

By Eden
at 2005-08-25T20:17
at 2005-08-25T20:17
Table of Contents
List of names of the speakers is:
(1) 黃有光
(2) 孫廣振
(3) 史鶴凌
(4) 劉孟奇
(5) 廖偉文
(6) 李吉仁
(7) 曲祉寧
(8) 王珞
(9) 李克
You can reach speakers' detail from http://www.inframarginal.org/
Best regards,
※ 引述《economist (Economist)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Penrose (交易成本)》之銘言:
: : 謝謝大家的踴躍報名,截至目前,報名人數已經近七成。尚未報名者,請儘速報名。
: : 議程如下:
: May I know who will be the instructor(s) and the speaker(s)?
: Thank you.
: For me, it's quite unusual that this agenda does not list the names of
: speakers for each session.
: : 九月八日 (Basics of Inframarginal Economics)
: : Session 0: Keynote speech: Memorial Speech to Professor Yang, Xiaokai.
: [ Susan ]
(1) 黃有光
(2) 孫廣振
(3) 史鶴凌
(4) 劉孟奇
(5) 廖偉文
(6) 李吉仁
(7) 曲祉寧
(8) 王珞
(9) 李克
You can reach speakers' detail from http://www.inframarginal.org/
Best regards,
※ 引述《economist (Economist)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Penrose (交易成本)》之銘言:
: : 謝謝大家的踴躍報名,截至目前,報名人數已經近七成。尚未報名者,請儘速報名。
: : 議程如下:
: May I know who will be the instructor(s) and the speaker(s)?
: Thank you.
: For me, it's quite unusual that this agenda does not list the names of
: speakers for each session.
: : 九月八日 (Basics of Inframarginal Economics)
: : Session 0: Keynote speech: Memorial Speech to Professor Yang, Xiaokai.
: [ Susan ]
All Comments

By Irma
at 2005-08-30T08:37
at 2005-08-30T08:37

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at 2005-08-30T10:16
at 2005-08-30T10:16

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at 2005-09-01T15:49
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