中國否認美國指控其操作匯率 - 理財

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-01-25T13:24

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China rejects US charges of currency manipulation
Business News

Jan 25, 2009, 2:32 GMT

Beijing - China's central bank rejected allegations by a senior US official
that China is manipulating the exchange rates of its currency, state-run media
reported Sunday.

Su Ning, vice governor of the People's Bank of China, said the allegation
could sidetrack efforts to track the real cause of the financial crisis, Xin-
hua news agency reported.

'Also, we should avoid any excuse that might lead to the revitalization of
trade protectionism. Because it will do no good to the fight against the
crisis, nor will it help the healthy and stable development of the global
economy,' Su said.

US Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner made the charge to the Senate
Finance Committee last week. 'President Obama, backed by the conclusions of a
broad range of economists, believes that China is manipulating its currency,'
he wrote, in documents released Thursday.

Yi Xianrong, a researcher with the financial research center of the CASS,
told Xinhua on Friday if the US labeled China a 'currency manipulator', it
would hurt the concerted action of fighting the global financial crisis.

It would also hamper the global efforts to shake off an economic slowdown
as Sino-US economic ties had become among the world's most important
relationships, Yi said.

According to China customs statistics, Sino-US trade hit 333.74 billion
dollars in 2008, up 10.5 percent year on year.

With a 9-per cent growth rate, China contributed more than 20 percent of
global economic growth in 2008, while the US remained the world's largest
economy, Yi said.

Geithner's comments were aimed at testing the Chinese government's
response, Zuo Xiaolei, senior analyst with the Beijing-based Galaxy
Securities, told Xinhua.

Yuan appreciation and the pace of appreciation should not only be decided
by trade surplus but also the status of domestic economic development, Zuo

'The price advantage of Chinese exports may not be a result of currency
issues, but the country's lower costs of labor, resources and land,' she said.

In July 2005, China abandoned a decade-old peg to the US dollar and allowed
its currency to appreciate by 2.1 percent. Since then, the yuan has
strengthened further, rising more than 20 percent against the greenback.

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-01-28T18:31


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2009-01-23T23:59
大家好~不小心誤闖 稍微看了一下~不小心發現這篇 挖~真是有夠神準的 如果我早點看到這一系列的文章就好了 ※ 引述《sandpiper ()》之銘言: : 南非幣是新興市場貨幣 在信貸危機如此高之下 是跌的最嚴重的 : 今年的貨幣操作策略就是買進低息貨幣(瑞士法郎及日圓) : 其他盡量都不要碰 - ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-01-23T16:36
※ 引述《shih510 (快樂最重要)》之銘言: : 今天看網路新聞有提到說 : 英格蘭好像政府賠錢好幾千億 : 所以專家也推估英國可能會是下一個冰島 : 看著英磅今天一直下滑 : 心理在緊張了呀!!! : 手中還一堆英鎊加上這幾天又加碼!! : 大家看法如何呢??? 可以詢問一下如果英國宣布破產對持有英 ...

月薪實領26000 該怎麼做規劃

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-01-23T14:06
換個好工作吧 如果基本生活費用是16000 那每個月可用金額是10000元 如果你換成36000月薪的工作 你每個月可用金額變20000元 足足多了二倍之多 那種投資商品報酬率有那麼高呢? ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-01-23T12:52
新台幣的存款利率越來越低 參考到外幣存款的利率蠻高的 但看到匯率還有分 現金匯率 即期匯率 想請教一下這兩種的差異是在哪呢? -- 發裁! \●/ 2009年即將到來,在這裡向您拜年: █ /\ 祝您裁員廣進,裁員滾滾,薪餉四成,萬市如憶,工洗發裁,遭裁禁飽 同時懇求各界,把勞工留住, ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-01-22T00:38
版友大家好: 本人是成功大學統計研究所的碩士生 我的論文需要各位版友幫忙填寫問卷 本份問卷主要的目的是希望瞭解您對於「銀行所提供理財服務」的看法 目前缺少30歲以上的樣本~所以發第二次問卷~請之前填寫過的勿再填寫~感謝 請依據您所居住的地區~選擇問卷填寫(限30歲以上填寫) 問卷:北部地區http:/ ...