Wharton Greater China Global Immersion Program - 證券討論

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2006-01-27T10:53

Table of Contents

I am an alumnus of NSRS in 1999.
If any of you are interested in this program, please follow
the instruction as below.

2006 Wharton Greater China Global Immersion Program
Taipei Volunteers Recruiting

What is Wharton Greater China Global Immersion Program?

GIP is a four week trek to Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai, where Wharton MBA students visit companies and institutions (and sometimes government officials) in order to understand more about the business and cultural environment of the region. Typical profiles of GIP attendees are people who did not spend much time in the Greater China region and very few have mandarin speaking capabilities. This time, Wharton MBA students will stay in Taipei during 2006/5/8~13.

Date: 2006 May 8~13 (Monday~ Saturday)
Positions: 1. Day coordinators (up to 3 seats) 2. Volunteers (no limit)

What you can get: These are NO PAY positions. However, you have great chance to interact with Wharton MBA students with various nationality including USA, British, Canada, France, Pakistan, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Spain, India and Bulgaria. Besides, you may expect to receive some courtesy such as free lunch, dinner, small presents, etc.

For Day coordinator, you need to lead volunteers and a group of Wharton students up to 40 people to have fun after their regular program and assist them to arrange itinerary and give them chance to experience Taiwanese culture. If you apply for weekday (Mon~ Thur) coordinator, you need to show up in the evening. If you apply for weekend (Friday & Saturday), you need to show up whole day.

For volunteer, you need to show your passion to interact with Wharton students and give them good impression of Taiwanese culture. If you apply for weekday (Mon~ Thur) coordinator, you need to show up in the evening. If you apply for weekend (Friday & Saturday), you need to show up whole day.

Application Criteria:
Day coordinator: Leadership, English-speaking ability & enthusiasm.
Volunteer: English-speaking ability & interpersonal skill

How to apply:
Apply for day coordinator: Please write a letter in English (A4 size, no more than 2 page) covering why and how you will coordinate the events, your preferred days, and brief background information including your contact information, education background, and any other information you think appropriate. Please send your application in Word or PDF file to Wei-chung Wang, [email protected] by March 3rd. This position is rolling-base recruiting. In other word, we will review your application once
we receive it. If your profile is good enough, we will accept your application shortly.

Apply for volunteer: Please write a letter in English (A4 size, no more than 1 page) covering why and how you will interact with Wharton MBA students, your preferred days, and brief background information including your contact information, education background, and any other information you think appropriate. Please send your application in Word or PDF file to Wei-chung Wang, [email protected] by April 15th. This position is rolling-base recruiting. In other word, we will review your
application once we receive it. If your profile is good enough, we will accept your application shortly.

Tags: 證券

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靜儒 泱如 宇承 佩真

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2006-01-23T23:31
(阿抱歉怕你們沒看到 直接把名字當標題了) 你們四個手機一直一直打不通 寄信過去也沒回我 所以看到這篇的話快點回信給norita信箱喔 那是芳祺的信箱 謝謝m(_ _)m -- 世界上最遙遠的距離 是周公的棋盤到鬧鐘之間的距離 - ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-01-20T18:20
※ 引述《bugy (69)》之銘言: : 您好 : 如提 : 我前幾天有在網頁上線上報名 : 一直在等待確認函 : 但是一直沒有收到 : 請問我現在是否該匯款 : 還是繼續等待你們的通知 : 我的信箱 tck1230atyahoo.com.tw : 回覆我的ptt信箱亦可 : 謝謝 不好意思 我們已於1 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2006-01-20T15:33
您好 如提 我前幾天有在網頁上線上報名 一直在等待確認函 但是一直沒有收到 請問我現在是否該匯款 還是繼續等待你們的通知 我的信箱 tck1230atyahoo.com.tw 回覆我的ptt信箱亦可 謝謝 - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-01-17T21:56
我手邊名單: 紀承諭 謝培瑜 孫暄晴 施宇承 蘇瑞琪 高慈佑 呂宗翰 洪靜儒 蘇裕棋 陳泱如 鍾宛臻 陳宇承 余佳茹 陳翔暉 林啟維 吳佩真 葉澄鴻 張庭瑋 徐芳祺 如有人有報名隊輔但是沒在名單上 請回信給我 另外還可以開放報名喔 也是回信給我 最後請施宇承一定要回信給我 因為我竟然沒有你的pttID ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-01-13T00:01
由於之前的伺服器出了點問題 已跟換連結至此 http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~b92901086/winter2006/ 台大證研社網管 - ...