The Guns And Butter Era Has Returned, - 股票

By Gilbert
at 2021-04-30T12:12
at 2021-04-30T12:12
Table of Contents
The Guns And Butter Era Has Returned, Bringing Inflation With It
Apr 29, 2021,07:15pm EDT
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. government embarked on an
unprecedented surge of fiscal spending and monetary easing that has continued
unabated ever since. One year later, as the economy is starting to open up,
inflation pressures are rising, although it is still unclear whether these
pressures will be transitory or not.
While finding appropriate historical analogies is always tricky, the current
economic environment seems most reminiscent of the mid-1960s. Those years
represented an inflection point, much like today, when fiscal spending
accelerated. The Federal Reserve financed that spending with low-interest
rates, assuming that historically low inflation levels experienced in the
early 1960s would continue. To be sure, inflation worsened considerably in
the 1970s, but the foundation for accelerating inflation was built during the
mid-to-late 1960s.
Upon his swearing-in, President Lyndon Johnson pursued an agenda that
included an ambitious level of fiscal spending, following a significant tax
cut that was passed in 1964. U.S. commitments in fighting the Vietnam War
escalated even while domestic spending increased under the auspices of
various Great Society programs that were intended to reduce minority
unemployment and income inequality. Economists often refer to the era of the
late 1960s as the "Guns and Butter" era, as that administration chose to
pursue several ambitious goals at once, all of which required significant and
sustained increases in fiscal spending along with an expanding budget
deficit. The average year-over-year growth rate of government spending
increased from 5.5% per annum from 1960 through 1964 to 10.8% per annum from
1965 through 1969 (see chart below).
Reminiscent of President Johnson's 1964 tax cuts, President Trump signed a
large tax cut in 2017, even while the economy was growing at a reasonable
rate and unemployment was low. President Trump also oversaw the most
significant fiscal expansion in U.S. history in 2020. The Federal deficit
reached an estimated $4 trillion, representing a year-over-year increase in
government spending of 43%. With a new administration in place, President
Biden has communicated his intention to pursue multiple sweeping goals
simultaneously. These goals include but are not limited to providing support
for individuals and groups who have been economically harmed by the pandemic,
combating climate change, making infrastructure investments, and providing
Social Security and Medicare benefits to a growing population of retirees.
Given the Biden administration's plans, it is not unreasonable to assume that
the budget deficit could remain around $3-4 trillion per year between 2021
and 2025, representing a fiscal expansion similar in magnitude to the one
undertaken in the late 1960s.
Early on in the Johnson administration, President Johnson met the Federal
Reserve Chairman at the time, William McChesney Martin, and famously tried to
intimidate him into keeping interest rates low and monetary policy
accommodative. After the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in 1965,
Johnson said to the Chairman, "Martin, my boys are dying in Vietnam, and you
won't print the money I need." Although Martin was a strong proponent of an
independent Federal Reserve and an anti-inflation hawk early in his career,
he complied with President Johnson's demands. Ultimately, Chairman Martin
decided to provide monetary accommodation to fund the U.S. government's
spending plans, despite the inflation risk. The average year-over-year growth
rate in the monetary base, which was 1.8% between 1960 and 1964, tripled to
6.0% between 1965 and 1969 (see chart below). Chairman Martin confessed his
regret in acquiescing to President Johnson's demands years later, saying, "to
my everlasting shame, I finally gave in to him." He stepped down from his
position in 1970, but only after he had let the inflation genie out of the
Similar to what occurred in the 1960s, the current Federal Reserve's
independence has weakened considerably during the past year due to the
current war on the coronavirus and the need to finance multi-trillion dollar
annual fiscal deficits. The choice of former Federal Reserve Chair Janet
Yellen as Treasury Secretary is somewhat symbolic of the marriage that seems
to have occurred between the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury
Department. Relatedly, the Federal Reserve is determined to protect the
nominal value of financial assets and especially the value of U.S.
Treasuries. Not doing so would likely have catastrophic consequences on the
housing market, the stock market, and U.S. tax receipts, all of which are
increasingly reliant on low-interest rates. Even while the Consumer Price
Index is likely to exceed 3% during Q2 2021 for the first time in years,
current Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has communicated his view that
the current inflationary pressures are transitory, assuming, like Chairman
Martin, that inflation remains well-contained. While Chairman Powell may well
turn out to be correct, four trillion dollars a year in fiscal deficit
spending facilitated by a 0% Federal Funds rate and a skyrocketing money
supply is likely to be a recipe for inflationary acceleration.
The spending during the Guns and Butter era created inevitable inflationary
pressures that continued through the 1960s. During the early 1960s, inflation
was well-contained, with the Consumer Price Index fluctuating in a relatively
tight range of 1.1% to 1.6%. With increasing fiscal commitments and money
supply in the late 1960s, however, inflation accelerated. In 1966, the
Consumer Price Index increased by 3.0%, and by 1969, the Consumer Price Index
increased by as much as 5.8%. Similarly, in the past five years, inflation
has been low and contained, comparable to the inflation rate of the early
1960s. The average year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index was
just 1.8% from 2016 through 2020. Looking forward over the next several
years, it would be unsurprising to see a CPI acceleration that rhymes with
the late 1960s.
Important similarities exist between the late 1960s and the current era, but
there are also important differences. The dollar is no longer pegged to the
gold price, and the trade deficit has expanded significantly. Because U.S.
government debt is currently so large relative to GDP, the Federal Reserve's
options are limited by the necessity of keeping debt service costs
reasonable, regardless of the Fed's inflation outlook. China has developed
into a geopolitical and economic foe of the United States, and cheap imports
from China have had a deflationary impact on the United States over the past
twenty years. Finally, while the Biden administration is planning enormous
fiscal spending initiatives, significant income tax increases would dampen
their inflationary impact. Put more simply, many similarities seem to exist
between the current era and the mid-1960s, but the situation is complex and
dynamic with many moving parts.
The 1970s are well known for being a period when inflation accelerated
further even compared to the late 1960s. At some point, it may well be worth
comparing the 1970s to the current era. Before inflation reaches the 10%
inflation rates of the 1970s, however, it must first reach the 5% inflation
rates of the late 1960s, and for this reason, the 1960s seem to offer a more
applicable comparison for the next couple of years.
Having discussed the macroeconomic backdrop of the 1960s, let us now examine
what happened to the primary asset classes during the five years beginning on
January 1, 1965:
Stocks: Adjusted for inflation, the S&P 500 Index generated a total return of
0.3% per year. Earnings increased by 0.6% per year adjusted for inflation.
However, as is often the case when inflation increases, the P/E ratio of the
S&P 500 Index contracted, from 18.8x to 15.8x, and the dividend yield
increased from 2.9% to 3.5% between the beginning of 1965 and the beginning
of 1970. Today, the S&P 500 Index is currently trading with a P/E ratio of
33.7x and a dividend yield of 1.5%. The P/E ratio is extremely high compared
to history, and the dividend yield is extremely low compared to history.
Unfortunately, increasing inflation generally results in a contraction of P/E
ratios and an expanding dividend yield. Accelerating inflation today could
result in a significant downward re-rating of P/E ratios, which might make it
difficult for the stock market to keep up with inflation.
Bonds: In 1965, the yield to maturity on 10-year Treasury bonds was 4.2%; by
the time the decade ended, the yield-to-maturity on that same bond, with five
years remaining until maturity, was 8.2%. The total return of that 10-year
Treasury bond was an estimated -33.1%, or -7.7% per annum, adjusted for
inflation. Bonds woefully underperformed other asset classes during the late
1960s, as one might expect in any environment where bond yields are rising to
compensate investors for increasing inflation expectations. The
yield-to-maturity on 10-year Treasury bonds is currently 1.7%, which means
that the downside risk of a rise in bond yields is greater today than it was
in 1965. For this reason and others, it probably makes sense to seek out
substitutes for bonds in your investment portfolio.
Home prices: Housing performed better than bonds in the late 1960s but still
did not keep up with inflation. Home prices increased by 3.3% per year, but
home prices declined by a slight -0.6% per year adjusted for inflation.
Houses tend to keep up with inflation due to increases in wages, land costs,
and construction costs, all of which occurred during the late 1960s. In
recent months, land prices, construction costs, and wages are rising, all of
which support rising home prices. It seems likely that home prices should
approximately keep pace with inflation, as they did in the late 1960s.
Gold: During the Johnson administration, the dollar was pegged to gold at
$35/ounce, and it was not yet legal for Americans to own physical gold during
that period. However, demand for gold among Europeans increased
significantly; during the 1960s, U.S. gold reserves dropped by 38%, from
15,800 tonnes to 9,800 tonnes as undervalued U.S. gold flowed to Europe.
After the dollar/gold peg was removed in 1971, gold's return was spectacular
during the following decade as investors sought to sell dollars to invest in
gold as a store of value. While not an investment option in the late 1960s,
it's probably a good time to own gold, which will likely serve as an
excellent long-term store of value should inflation continue to increase.
Looking back at how these asset classes performed in the late 1960s, the
results seemed to coincide with the era's inflationary circumstances. Housing
and stocks were the relative winners, generating returns that kept up with,
but did not exceed, inflation. The clear loser of the late 1960s Guns and
Butter era was the bond market, which suffered from increasing bond yields
and gradual erosion of purchasing power. It probably makes sense to be wary
of bonds today and to seek out reasonable bond substitutes. It also makes
sense to own reasonably priced stores of value, such as gold.
入不平等的 "大社會" 計畫的支持下增加了國內開支。經濟學家經常把20世紀60年代末的
時代稱為 "槍炮和黃油 "時代,因為該政府選擇同時追求幾個雄心勃勃的目標,所有這些
馬丁,我的孩子們正在越南死去,而你不會印刷我需要的錢。" 儘管馬丁在其職業生涯的
末 "槍炮與黃油 "時代的明顯輸家是債券市場,它受到了債券收益率上升和購買力逐漸減
撇掉結論的黃金 (雖然我也是老派的黃金信徒)
The Guns And Butter Era Has Returned, Bringing Inflation With It
Apr 29, 2021,07:15pm EDT
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. government embarked on an
unprecedented surge of fiscal spending and monetary easing that has continued
unabated ever since. One year later, as the economy is starting to open up,
inflation pressures are rising, although it is still unclear whether these
pressures will be transitory or not.
While finding appropriate historical analogies is always tricky, the current
economic environment seems most reminiscent of the mid-1960s. Those years
represented an inflection point, much like today, when fiscal spending
accelerated. The Federal Reserve financed that spending with low-interest
rates, assuming that historically low inflation levels experienced in the
early 1960s would continue. To be sure, inflation worsened considerably in
the 1970s, but the foundation for accelerating inflation was built during the
mid-to-late 1960s.
Upon his swearing-in, President Lyndon Johnson pursued an agenda that
included an ambitious level of fiscal spending, following a significant tax
cut that was passed in 1964. U.S. commitments in fighting the Vietnam War
escalated even while domestic spending increased under the auspices of
various Great Society programs that were intended to reduce minority
unemployment and income inequality. Economists often refer to the era of the
late 1960s as the "Guns and Butter" era, as that administration chose to
pursue several ambitious goals at once, all of which required significant and
sustained increases in fiscal spending along with an expanding budget
deficit. The average year-over-year growth rate of government spending
increased from 5.5% per annum from 1960 through 1964 to 10.8% per annum from
1965 through 1969 (see chart below).
Reminiscent of President Johnson's 1964 tax cuts, President Trump signed a
large tax cut in 2017, even while the economy was growing at a reasonable
rate and unemployment was low. President Trump also oversaw the most
significant fiscal expansion in U.S. history in 2020. The Federal deficit
reached an estimated $4 trillion, representing a year-over-year increase in
government spending of 43%. With a new administration in place, President
Biden has communicated his intention to pursue multiple sweeping goals
simultaneously. These goals include but are not limited to providing support
for individuals and groups who have been economically harmed by the pandemic,
combating climate change, making infrastructure investments, and providing
Social Security and Medicare benefits to a growing population of retirees.
Given the Biden administration's plans, it is not unreasonable to assume that
the budget deficit could remain around $3-4 trillion per year between 2021
and 2025, representing a fiscal expansion similar in magnitude to the one
undertaken in the late 1960s.
Early on in the Johnson administration, President Johnson met the Federal
Reserve Chairman at the time, William McChesney Martin, and famously tried to
intimidate him into keeping interest rates low and monetary policy
accommodative. After the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in 1965,
Johnson said to the Chairman, "Martin, my boys are dying in Vietnam, and you
won't print the money I need." Although Martin was a strong proponent of an
independent Federal Reserve and an anti-inflation hawk early in his career,
he complied with President Johnson's demands. Ultimately, Chairman Martin
decided to provide monetary accommodation to fund the U.S. government's
spending plans, despite the inflation risk. The average year-over-year growth
rate in the monetary base, which was 1.8% between 1960 and 1964, tripled to
6.0% between 1965 and 1969 (see chart below). Chairman Martin confessed his
regret in acquiescing to President Johnson's demands years later, saying, "to
my everlasting shame, I finally gave in to him." He stepped down from his
position in 1970, but only after he had let the inflation genie out of the
Similar to what occurred in the 1960s, the current Federal Reserve's
independence has weakened considerably during the past year due to the
current war on the coronavirus and the need to finance multi-trillion dollar
annual fiscal deficits. The choice of former Federal Reserve Chair Janet
Yellen as Treasury Secretary is somewhat symbolic of the marriage that seems
to have occurred between the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury
Department. Relatedly, the Federal Reserve is determined to protect the
nominal value of financial assets and especially the value of U.S.
Treasuries. Not doing so would likely have catastrophic consequences on the
housing market, the stock market, and U.S. tax receipts, all of which are
increasingly reliant on low-interest rates. Even while the Consumer Price
Index is likely to exceed 3% during Q2 2021 for the first time in years,
current Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has communicated his view that
the current inflationary pressures are transitory, assuming, like Chairman
Martin, that inflation remains well-contained. While Chairman Powell may well
turn out to be correct, four trillion dollars a year in fiscal deficit
spending facilitated by a 0% Federal Funds rate and a skyrocketing money
supply is likely to be a recipe for inflationary acceleration.
The spending during the Guns and Butter era created inevitable inflationary
pressures that continued through the 1960s. During the early 1960s, inflation
was well-contained, with the Consumer Price Index fluctuating in a relatively
tight range of 1.1% to 1.6%. With increasing fiscal commitments and money
supply in the late 1960s, however, inflation accelerated. In 1966, the
Consumer Price Index increased by 3.0%, and by 1969, the Consumer Price Index
increased by as much as 5.8%. Similarly, in the past five years, inflation
has been low and contained, comparable to the inflation rate of the early
1960s. The average year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index was
just 1.8% from 2016 through 2020. Looking forward over the next several
years, it would be unsurprising to see a CPI acceleration that rhymes with
the late 1960s.
Important similarities exist between the late 1960s and the current era, but
there are also important differences. The dollar is no longer pegged to the
gold price, and the trade deficit has expanded significantly. Because U.S.
government debt is currently so large relative to GDP, the Federal Reserve's
options are limited by the necessity of keeping debt service costs
reasonable, regardless of the Fed's inflation outlook. China has developed
into a geopolitical and economic foe of the United States, and cheap imports
from China have had a deflationary impact on the United States over the past
twenty years. Finally, while the Biden administration is planning enormous
fiscal spending initiatives, significant income tax increases would dampen
their inflationary impact. Put more simply, many similarities seem to exist
between the current era and the mid-1960s, but the situation is complex and
dynamic with many moving parts.
The 1970s are well known for being a period when inflation accelerated
further even compared to the late 1960s. At some point, it may well be worth
comparing the 1970s to the current era. Before inflation reaches the 10%
inflation rates of the 1970s, however, it must first reach the 5% inflation
rates of the late 1960s, and for this reason, the 1960s seem to offer a more
applicable comparison for the next couple of years.
Having discussed the macroeconomic backdrop of the 1960s, let us now examine
what happened to the primary asset classes during the five years beginning on
January 1, 1965:
Stocks: Adjusted for inflation, the S&P 500 Index generated a total return of
0.3% per year. Earnings increased by 0.6% per year adjusted for inflation.
However, as is often the case when inflation increases, the P/E ratio of the
S&P 500 Index contracted, from 18.8x to 15.8x, and the dividend yield
increased from 2.9% to 3.5% between the beginning of 1965 and the beginning
of 1970. Today, the S&P 500 Index is currently trading with a P/E ratio of
33.7x and a dividend yield of 1.5%. The P/E ratio is extremely high compared
to history, and the dividend yield is extremely low compared to history.
Unfortunately, increasing inflation generally results in a contraction of P/E
ratios and an expanding dividend yield. Accelerating inflation today could
result in a significant downward re-rating of P/E ratios, which might make it
difficult for the stock market to keep up with inflation.
Bonds: In 1965, the yield to maturity on 10-year Treasury bonds was 4.2%; by
the time the decade ended, the yield-to-maturity on that same bond, with five
years remaining until maturity, was 8.2%. The total return of that 10-year
Treasury bond was an estimated -33.1%, or -7.7% per annum, adjusted for
inflation. Bonds woefully underperformed other asset classes during the late
1960s, as one might expect in any environment where bond yields are rising to
compensate investors for increasing inflation expectations. The
yield-to-maturity on 10-year Treasury bonds is currently 1.7%, which means
that the downside risk of a rise in bond yields is greater today than it was
in 1965. For this reason and others, it probably makes sense to seek out
substitutes for bonds in your investment portfolio.
Home prices: Housing performed better than bonds in the late 1960s but still
did not keep up with inflation. Home prices increased by 3.3% per year, but
home prices declined by a slight -0.6% per year adjusted for inflation.
Houses tend to keep up with inflation due to increases in wages, land costs,
and construction costs, all of which occurred during the late 1960s. In
recent months, land prices, construction costs, and wages are rising, all of
which support rising home prices. It seems likely that home prices should
approximately keep pace with inflation, as they did in the late 1960s.
Gold: During the Johnson administration, the dollar was pegged to gold at
$35/ounce, and it was not yet legal for Americans to own physical gold during
that period. However, demand for gold among Europeans increased
significantly; during the 1960s, U.S. gold reserves dropped by 38%, from
15,800 tonnes to 9,800 tonnes as undervalued U.S. gold flowed to Europe.
After the dollar/gold peg was removed in 1971, gold's return was spectacular
during the following decade as investors sought to sell dollars to invest in
gold as a store of value. While not an investment option in the late 1960s,
it's probably a good time to own gold, which will likely serve as an
excellent long-term store of value should inflation continue to increase.
Looking back at how these asset classes performed in the late 1960s, the
results seemed to coincide with the era's inflationary circumstances. Housing
and stocks were the relative winners, generating returns that kept up with,
but did not exceed, inflation. The clear loser of the late 1960s Guns and
Butter era was the bond market, which suffered from increasing bond yields
and gradual erosion of purchasing power. It probably makes sense to be wary
of bonds today and to seek out reasonable bond substitutes. It also makes
sense to own reasonably priced stores of value, such as gold.
入不平等的 "大社會" 計畫的支持下增加了國內開支。經濟學家經常把20世紀60年代末的
時代稱為 "槍炮和黃油 "時代,因為該政府選擇同時追求幾個雄心勃勃的目標,所有這些
馬丁,我的孩子們正在越南死去,而你不會印刷我需要的錢。" 儘管馬丁在其職業生涯的
末 "槍炮與黃油 "時代的明顯輸家是債券市場,它受到了債券收益率上升和購買力逐漸減
撇掉結論的黃金 (雖然我也是老派的黃金信徒)
All Comments

By Margaret
at 2021-05-01T10:13
at 2021-05-01T10:13

By Kristin
at 2021-05-02T07:58
at 2021-05-02T07:58

By Elvira
at 2021-05-02T09:31
at 2021-05-02T09:31

By Damian
at 2021-05-03T20:54
at 2021-05-03T20:54

By Caroline
at 2021-05-05T09:48
at 2021-05-05T09:48

By Susan
at 2021-05-10T07:24
at 2021-05-10T07:24

By Gary
at 2021-05-11T23:10
at 2021-05-11T23:10

By Megan
at 2021-05-13T04:33
at 2021-05-13T04:33

By Ina
at 2021-05-18T01:24
at 2021-05-18T01:24

By Dora
at 2021-05-22T23:52
at 2021-05-22T23:52

By Cara
at 2021-05-27T08:05
at 2021-05-27T08:05

By Irma
at 2021-05-31T18:31
at 2021-05-31T18:31

By Cara
at 2021-06-04T20:49
at 2021-06-04T20:49

By Callum
at 2021-06-08T08:06
at 2021-06-08T08:06

By Ula
at 2021-06-10T04:45
at 2021-06-10T04:45

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2021-06-13T13:02
at 2021-06-13T13:02

By Ula
at 2021-06-15T14:49
at 2021-06-15T14:49

By Ida
at 2021-06-15T20:59
at 2021-06-15T20:59

By Wallis
at 2021-06-16T20:41
at 2021-06-16T20:41

By Blanche
at 2021-06-20T04:32
at 2021-06-20T04:32

By Liam
at 2021-06-20T18:56
at 2021-06-20T18:56

By Megan
at 2021-06-24T19:02
at 2021-06-24T19:02

By Harry
at 2021-06-27T21:24
at 2021-06-27T21:24

By Hazel
at 2021-06-29T08:25
at 2021-06-29T08:25

By Valerie
at 2021-07-01T07:38
at 2021-07-01T07:38

By Annie
at 2021-07-02T12:02
at 2021-07-02T12:02
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