TD 的101支免費ETF - ETF

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-05-07T23:17

Table of Contents

: DRIP問題
: If I hold a commission free ETF over 30days, but there is always a buy
: monthly due to DRIP (e.g. bond ETF), will I be charged short term trading fee
: if sell this ETF ?
: 客服回答
: Yes and no. Yes, the computer will automatically charge a fee even if the
: only purchase was a dividend reinvestment - but we can credit it back. If
: this is the case, just let us know what ETF you sold, the fee charged to it,
: and ask for us to credit that back, and in that case we can credit it back
: for you.
: We appreciate your business and if you have additional questions or investing
: needs, please simply respond to this message.
: Best Regards,
: Matthew Partusch
: Apex Client Services, TD Ameritrade
: Division of TD Ameritrade, Inc.

不知道各位現在在TD還是如以上所說 DRIP不記入short term trading fee嗎?

因為我昨天問了客服一樣的問題 得到了不同的回答...

A DRIP is considered a buy. So yes if you sold the ETF within 30 days of a
DRIP then you would be charged the short term trading fee. If you do not
want to be charged then you can request that the DRIP be removed from that
ETF and then once 30 days have passed with out a DRIP then you can sell it
without incurring the fee.


James Cudd
Client Services, TD Ameritrade
TD Ameritrade, Inc.

這邊是說如果要賣 請先把DRIP停掉..不然一樣會扣....

Tags: ETF

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2014-05-10T15:13
DRIP不算short term trading fee(by實際賣過的經驗!)
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2014-05-12T19:28
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2014-05-13T00:21
我問過DRIP不算 被扣過手續費 但有追討回來
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-05-17T07:44
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-05-21T11:59
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2014-05-25T14:32
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-05-27T00:04
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-05-30T16:14

Charles Schwab 開戶心得

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2014-05-06T17:29
1/28 春節放假前一天 紅色郵筒寄出 雙面列印 郵資93NTD 2/21 早上7點連續打了5通家裡電話 都家人接聽 家人有叫銀行打手機 但是在9點30左右 銀行打公司電話給我(講中文的) 告知水電費帳單地址上需要有我的姓名 需email回傳給他 還有幾個基本問題 上市公司股東 政要 資金來源與資金匯出銀 ...

請教關於SPY SP500 ETF option 合約詳情

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-05-05T22:46
大家好 我想做美期的選擇權 但是好像只有 Sandamp;P ETF的選擇權比較有量 我用IB可以看到詳細的報價 但是詳細的合約詳情我要去哪看呢?? 能給我網址媽?? 例如 跳動單位? 一單位的價錢? 保證金? 像是台指選擇權 一點是50 NTD 之類的 請各位溫幫幫忙 謝謝 - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2014-05-02T15:45
請教各位大大 沒嘗試過美國開戶,請問想查詢美國股票市場所有上市ETF名稱andamp;標的內容 該去哪裡查詢呢? 還是一定得開戶以後才能使用券商的軟體觀看? - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2014-04-30T00:06
為何要申請TD? 目前使用Firstrade 但主要交易為ETF 另外Firstrade優惠越來越少 而取消外國人申請VISA Debit Card跟支票則是主要轉換原因 TD 目前(2014)開戶優惠 * 開戶60天內轉入$2000: 500次免費交易(注資後60天有效) * 轉入andgt ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-04-29T22:28
大家好, 我最近在查詢泰國ETF時候看到了一支and#34;易亞泰國ETFand#34;, 由於相關費用較低(約0.39%)所以認真看了說明, 上面寫這ETF是透過所謂and#34;無本金交割掉期and#34;方式複製指數 (掉期查了一下是香港用語,swap的意思) 說明書的網址是 http://www.x ...