TD Ameritrade 開戶經驗分享 - 基金
By David
at 2011-02-15T11:29
at 2011-02-15T11:29
Table of Contents
有任何疑問,最終還是以 TD Ameritrade 的答案為主。
原本是在 USA Stock 上的回應,就順便貼在板上。
Q: 台灣國籍的人有無 ITIN 可否開戶?
A: 皆可,差異如下:
When filling out the application, simply enter in 111-11-1111 for the social
security number if you want to set up the account as a non-US tax payer. If
you want to set up the account as a US Taxpayer, you can enter in your ITIN.
使用 ITIN 開戶時,必需額外再附上 ITIN 的證明影本。
Q: 開戶所需文件?
A: 基本上大同小異,比較有規模的券商都會額外要求地址證明。
*1 Standard Account Application (attached). The application can also be filled
out and printed online by clicking the “Open an Account link”.
*1 IRS form W-8BEN (attached)- Only required if you set up the account as a
non-US tax payer
*1 copy of your current passport
*1 copy of a bank or financial statement showing your name and address.
客服有特別強調所有文件中 "your name and address must be identical"。我是使用
Firstrade account statement 第一頁當作證明,使用其他種類文件的疑問,還是請自行
Q. 購買商品時有無限制呢?
A. You will be able to purchase stocks, ETF's, Mutual Funds, Bonds, CD's etc...
However, there are some Mutual Funds, bonds, and CD's that are not available
for foreign clients. These restrictions are specific to the exact product and
cannot be listed.
照先前 badfood 的說明,有 ITIN 在 TDAmeritrade 上能購買 Vanguard 的基金,只不
過佣金不低,外加現在有免佣金的 ETF,誘因不大。
Q. 能否申請 Checking or Debit card?
A. Debit card 不行,但可申請支票。
Q. 如何申請 Checking?
A. 我的做法是,連同開戶文件一同將 "Checking Request" Form 寄出,如此就省了一筆
郵費。當初忘了問是否可以一開始就申請,就直接寄出去了,不過 TDAmeritrade 看來對
※ 編輯: JFHo 來自: (02/15 13:11)
※ 編輯: JFHo 來自: (03/24 20:47)
有任何疑問,最終還是以 TD Ameritrade 的答案為主。
原本是在 USA Stock 上的回應,就順便貼在板上。
Q: 台灣國籍的人有無 ITIN 可否開戶?
A: 皆可,差異如下:
When filling out the application, simply enter in 111-11-1111 for the social
security number if you want to set up the account as a non-US tax payer. If
you want to set up the account as a US Taxpayer, you can enter in your ITIN.
使用 ITIN 開戶時,必需額外再附上 ITIN 的證明影本。
Q: 開戶所需文件?
A: 基本上大同小異,比較有規模的券商都會額外要求地址證明。
*1 Standard Account Application (attached). The application can also be filled
out and printed online by clicking the “Open an Account link”.
*1 IRS form W-8BEN (attached)- Only required if you set up the account as a
non-US tax payer
*1 copy of your current passport
*1 copy of a bank or financial statement showing your name and address.
客服有特別強調所有文件中 "your name and address must be identical"。我是使用
Firstrade account statement 第一頁當作證明,使用其他種類文件的疑問,還是請自行
Q. 購買商品時有無限制呢?
A. You will be able to purchase stocks, ETF's, Mutual Funds, Bonds, CD's etc...
However, there are some Mutual Funds, bonds, and CD's that are not available
for foreign clients. These restrictions are specific to the exact product and
cannot be listed.
照先前 badfood 的說明,有 ITIN 在 TDAmeritrade 上能購買 Vanguard 的基金,只不
過佣金不低,外加現在有免佣金的 ETF,誘因不大。
Q. 能否申請 Checking or Debit card?
A. Debit card 不行,但可申請支票。
Q. 如何申請 Checking?
A. 我的做法是,連同開戶文件一同將 "Checking Request" Form 寄出,如此就省了一筆
郵費。當初忘了問是否可以一開始就申請,就直接寄出去了,不過 TDAmeritrade 看來對
※ 編輯: JFHo 來自: (02/15 13:11)
推 sheeper:推分享 02/15 15:15
※ 編輯: JFHo 來自: (02/28 11:23) ※ 編輯: JFHo 來自: (03/24 20:47)
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at 2011-02-16T09:54
at 2011-02-16T09:54
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