Rising exports, ethanol use cut into U - 股票

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-03-09T01:52

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Rising exports, ethanol use cut into U.S. corn stockpile - USDA

Mark Weinraub
Published 35 Mins Ago

WASHINGTON, March 8 (Reuters) - U.S. corn supplies will be smaller than
expected due to strong export demand and rising ethanol production while the
already ample soybean stockpile was forecast to rise, the U.S. Agriculture
Department said on Thursday.

U.S. soybean exports face increased competition from Brazil, the top world
supplier. The government raised its outlook for Brazil soybean production by
1 million tonnes and its export outlook for the country by 1.5 million tonnes.

But it lowered its outlook for the Argentine soybean crop by 7 million
tonnes. It also trimmed the Argentine corn harvest forecast by 3 million
tonnes as hot and dry weather has cut yield potential in key growing areas of
the country.

The USDA also boosted its outlook for wheat ending stocks as U.S. supplies
were priced too high to compete in the export market.

In its monthly supply and demand report, USDA pegged corn ending stocks at
2.127 billion bushels, down from 2.352 billion last month and below the low
end of market forecasts given in a Reuters poll that ranged from 2.240
billion bushels to 2.352 billion bushels.

USDA raised its U.S. corn export forecast for the 2017/18 marketing year by
175 million bushels to 2.225 billion bushels. It also raised its estimate of
corn used for ethanol to 5.575 billion bushels from 5.525 billion bushels.

Domestic soybean ending stocks were seen at 555 million bushels, up 25
million bushels from the February forecast. The average of analysts'
estimates in a Reuters poll for soybean ending stocks was 530 million bushels.

USDA lowered its U.S. soybean export view to 2.065 billion bushels from 2.100
billion bushels. But it raised its crush estimate by 10 million bushels to
1.960 billion bushels.

U.S. wheat ending stocks were seen at 1.034 billion bushels, up from 1.009
billion bushels in February. USDA lowered the wheat export outlook to 925
million bushels from 950 million bushels.

In Argentina, the corn crop was seen at 36 million tonnes and the soybean
crop at 47 million tonnes. Brazil's soybean harvest was seen at 113 million
tonnes and its corn harvest at 94.5 million tonnes.

(Reporting by Mark Weinraub Editing by Andrea Ricci)











標題 [問卦] 228當時大家的阿公在做什麼?
ivorysoap: 9歲時就被日本人殺死了 02/20 00:34
maoding: 怕 02/20 00:34
PantheraLeo: 耕田 02/20 00:34
formatted: 被抓去就沒有再回來了 02/20 00:35
Yude0109: 9歲就被殺 你阿公真早秋 02/20 00:35

Tags: 股票

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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-03-18T19:14
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-03-20T23:08
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2018-03-21T14:14
9歲就被殺 你阿公真早秋
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-03-24T10:11
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-03-28T06:40
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-03-30T22:17
台灣人快去搶玉米 玉米要漲價了
Ida avatar
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at 2018-03-31T12:16


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