Reserve Bank of Australia 升息一碼至 4.75% - 理財

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-11-02T12:10

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Media Release

Number 2010-26
Date 2 November 2010
Embargo For Immediate Release

Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision

At its meeting today, the Board decided to raise the cash rate by 25 basis
points to 4.75 per cent, effective 3 November 2010.

The global economy grew faster than trend over the year to mid 2010. Global
growth will probably ease back to about trend pace over the coming year as
strong recoveries in the emerging world give way to a more sustainable pace
of expansion and growth remains subdued in the United States and Europe. At
the same time, concerns about the possibility of a larger than expected
slowing in Chinese growth have lessened recently and most commodity prices
have firmed, after a fall earlier in the year. The prices most important to
Australia remain at very high levels, with the result that the terms of trade
are at their highest since the early 1950s. The turmoil in financial markets
earlier in the year has abated, though sentiment remains fragile.

Information on the Australian economy indicates growth around trend over the
past year. Public spending was prominent in driving aggregate demand for
several quarters but this impact is now lessening. While there has been a
degree of caution in private spending behaviour thus far, the rise in the
terms of trade, which is now boosting national income very substantially, is
likely to lead to stronger private spending over the next couple of years,
especially in business investment.

Asset values are not moving notably in either direction, and overall credit
growth remains quite subdued at this stage notwithstanding evidence of some
greater willingness to lend. The exchange rate has risen significantly this
year, reflecting the high level of commodity prices and the respective
outlooks for monetary policy in Australia and the major countries. This will
assist, at the margin, in containing pressure on inflation.

The demand for labour has continued to firm. While the labour market is not
as tight as in 2007 and 2008, some further strengthening would appear to be
in prospect, judging by the trends in job vacancies. After the significant
decline last year, growth in wages has picked up somewhat, as had been
expected. Some further increase is likely over the coming year.

Given these conditions, the moderation in inflation that has been under way
for the past two years is probably now close to ending. Recent information
suggests underlying inflation running at about 2½ per cent, with the CPI
inflation rate a little higher due mainly to increases in tobacco taxes. Both
results were helped somewhat in the latest quarter by unusual softness in
food prices. Inflation is likely to rise over the next few years. This
outlook, which is largely unchanged from the Bank's earlier forecasts,
assumes some tightening in monetary policy.

For some time, the Board has held the stance of monetary policy steady, which
has resulted in interest rates to borrowers being close to their average of
the past decade. This allowed some time to observe the early effects of
previous policy changes and to monitor the uncertain global outlook. The
Board is also cognisant of differences in the degree of economic strength by
industry and by region.

However, the economy is now subject to a large expansionary shock from the
high terms of trade and has relatively modest amounts of spare capacity.
Looking ahead, notwithstanding recent good results on inflation, the risk of
inflation rising again over the medium term remains. At today's meeting, the
Board concluded that the balance of risks had shifted to the point where an
early, modest tightening of monetary policy was prudent.



Dr Philip Lowe
Assistant Governor (Economic)
Reserve Bank of Australia
Phone: +61 2 9551 8800

Dr Guy Debelle
Assistant Governor (Financial Markets)
Reserve Bank of Australia
Phone: +61 2 9551 8200

Media Office
Information Department
Reserve Bank of Australia
Phone: +61 2 9551 9720
Fax: +61 2 9551 8033
E-mail: [email protected]

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-11-02T19:56
超鎂啦~~~~~~ 喔咿洗
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-11-07T06:08
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-11-07T23:11
我的一萬多澳幣 kerker
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-11-09T07:10


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-11-02T09:01
※ 引述《perfect (出來跑遲早要還的)》之銘言: : 想請問一下 : 1.要換澳幣 是否就一定要去臺灣銀行呢 : 2.如果總額很小 是否能兌換呢 : 其實狀況是這樣的 我女友的好朋友去澳洲讀書 : 但當事人生日下個月就到了 女友就想給她個驚喜包 : 放滿各種禮物 然後裡面想放一點澳幣 : 查詢臺銀網路 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-11-02T05:30
想請問一下 1.要換澳幣 是否就一定要去臺灣銀行呢 2.如果總額很小 是否能兌換呢 其實狀況是這樣的 我女友的好朋友去澳洲讀書 但當事人生日下個月就到了 女友就想給她個驚喜包 放滿各種禮物 然後裡面想放一點澳幣 查詢臺銀網路銀行 好像最低兌換金額是一百澳幣 但這個驚喜 似乎只需要個20~30 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-11-01T23:17
唉,之前手賤沒想到港幣或破4, 不知道版上各位前輩對於港幣有何想法? 認賠殺出還是逢低加碼呢? 小弟都是小額小額經營,賺賠都不會超過一兩千。 不過還想問問前輩們的看法,感恩啦! 叩謝! - ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-11-01T22:57
※ 引述《wishclare (WISH)》之銘言: : 我是新手 : 這兩天在試買階段 : 上星期四用台幣8500元買澳幣(以30.02購買) : 今天看到澳幣升至30.082 : 立刻按了價格試算(我用網銀) : 可換回台幣 8516 : 想請問這16元是怎麼算出來的 : 怎麼算都得不到這數字阿atat ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-11-01T21:35
1.扣除生活支出後 可投資的資金預計投入15000元 因此可以這般計畫 定期定額操作三到四檔基金 ex三檔扣5000 或是四檔3000x3 +6000x1 因為是定期定額 所以鎖定一些有展望的地區來做投入即可 建議避開美歐地區即可 另外可以扣一檔天然資源或是原物料的基金 2.每季(三個月)檢 ...