Re: 股票被州政府收回 - 理財

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-04-03T23:53

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更新透過FB客服得到的回覆如下, 要不定時詢問客服狀況了

Hello, after checking with our clearing firm, they are still
working with NY on delivering the assets. We have also submitted
a request to reclaim your assets.

For now it will just be patience till they could either put the
assets back to your accounts or get them delivered to NY directly.

補充:有問到是否有收到通知, 因為信箱是gmail, 有設定來自firstrade都會集中
這點會再詢問客服, 客服回覆如下, 用客服說的2020/10去搜尋沒看到相關通知QQ

Due to state laws and regulations, accounts with no account
activity for three years or more will have its assets turned over
to the state. A letter was sent from Apex around Oct 2020 giving
a notice that the account will be escheated to the state due to
having no account activity for three years or more. The letter
was to be signed and returned to prevent escheatment. Since the
account had already been escheated, please visit your state's
website to begin the reclaim procedure.

※ 引述《benboy (benboy★とし)》之銘言:
: 最近也遇到股票被美國政府收回了, 約三年沒登入QQ
: 券商是firstrade, 聯絡客服只回答找會計師和紐約政府
: 會再問客服提供協助, 請問板上有處理經驗的大神
: 謝謝
: ※ 引述《kilenai (耶!~so good!~)》之銘言:
: : 嗨大家好又是我,
: : 經過了重重關卡,多方的退件及重新補件,
: : 終於有新的進展,
: : 美國政府需要我提供以下資料。
: : 我查過很多資料,還是不知道這是什麼。
: : 可以請萬能的大神協助嗎?
: : 謝謝你們!
: : The property you are claiming has shares. If you would like to transfer these
: : shares please provide us with a US Broker's DTC and account number along with
: : a contact person's name, phone, and email.
: : If you would like to liquidate these shares please upload a correspondence to
: : the claim requesting liquidation.
: : 引述《kilenai (耶!~so good!~)》之銘言:
: : m
: : t.
: : c
: : pl
: : on

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2021-04-04T12:31
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-04-08T07:51
這通知應該是實體的,而非 email
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2021-04-12T21:23
客服回覆國際帳戶是delaware state 不過搜尋名字也是沒有
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2021-04-16T01:04
看來FT是incorporated in DE,你要回頭去找Apex的信,看他

Re: 股票被州政府收回

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2021-04-03T15:59
我嘉信的帳號太久沒用,嘉信雖然有通知,但聯絡的信箱我也很少開, 就被送州政府保管了 目前我還在處理中,過程大概如下 1.到該州政府的unclaim property的網頁, 嘉信在加州,所以是 FT理論上,客服應該要告訴你這些資 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2021-04-02T20:08
沒注意到這麼多人在底下推文 我這邊統一回覆我可以解答的 ※ 引述《Laviathan ()》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [請益] FT出金問題(別人可以線上表單,我的要紙本 : 時間: Sun Feb 28 10:25:15 2021 : : 我自問自答,問過Firstrade客服之後 : : 是因為我 ...

Re: 股票被州政府收回

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2021-04-02T18:38
一個好像有點相關但又沒那麼相關的故事: 券商有義務要將長期沒有活動的帳戶轉給州政府 Vanguard 也有一個部門 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2021-04-02T11:29
如題,本身是用海外券商 家人有用富邦,中信複委托持有美股CEF 想請教版友去年退稅下來了嗎? 以往好像都是三月? - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-04-02T08:10 請問這優惠是不是比其他券商和海外券商好? - ...