Profit Maximization問題一題 - 經濟

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-10-21T10:27

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Consider a profit maximizing U.S. monopolistic firm that produces some good
y at two different plants, with (total) cost functions C1(y1), C2(y2). The
total revenue function of this firm is R(y), where y =y1+y2. Plant 2 is located
in Canada, and output from that plant is subject to a U.S tariff (tax) in the
amount of t per unit produced. (Silberberg and Suen: Chapter 4, section 4.6,
problem 11, p. 89)

a. What is implied, if anything, about the slopes of the marginal revenue and
marginal cost curves in this model?

b. What refutable comparative statics implications are forthcoming, if any?

c. Suppose this firm was not a monopolist, but rather, sold its total output in
a competitive market at price p. What differences would exist in the observable
implications of the model in the competitive versus the monopolistic case?

d. Suppose this competitive output price rose. Will the output in each plant

e. Returning now to the monopolistic case, suppose this monopolist decided to
raise the price charged to consumers. What effect would this have on the output
of each plant?

f. Suppose the total revenue received by this (monopolistic) firm depends in
some complicated way on outputs in both plants, rather than simply on the sum
of those two outputs. What observable differences, if any, are implied by this
change in assumptions?

g. Suppose that output at the U.S. plant (y1) is held fixed at he previously
profit maximizing level and the tax on Canadian output is increased. Howe does
the resulting magnitude of the response in production at the Canadian plant
compare with the response when U.S. output is unconstrained? (Assume the
monopolistic case.)


Tags: 經濟

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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-10-21T08:05
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