Plastc確定出不了貨了 - 信用卡

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-04-21T03:48

Table of Contents

幾年前一度引起眾人注意的智慧信用卡 Plastc




We Regret to Inform You...

For the past 3 years, our mission here at Plastc was to build and deliver the
most technically ambitious smart card on the planet. After making enormous lea
ps in development, product innovation and progress towards our goal, Plastc ha
s exhausted all of its options to raise the money it needs to continue.

Plastc, Inc. is exploring options to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and will cease
operations on April 20, 2017.

While we have fallen short of our goal, we are proud of our team and the effor
t that went into developing a working Plastc Card. However, without the necess
ary capital to continue, all employees have been let go, which means that Cust
omer Care and Social Media channels are unmanned or have been shut down.

How We Got Here:

We were expecting to close a $3.5 million Series A funding round on February 2
8, 2017. There are functioning Plastc Cards, which were demonstrated to our in
vestors and our backers, and the capital was to be allocated for the mass prod
uction and shipping of Plastc Cards to pre-order customers. At first, the prin
cipal investment group postponed their investment and a couple of weeks later
the round fell apart.

After the initial funding was unavailable, Plastc made progress with another i
nvestor who offered $6.75 million. This deal was scheduled to close last week
and would propel development across the finish line, as well as allow for Plas
tc Card pre-orders to be shipped and for production to continue into a retail

However, once again at the very last minute, our investor gave us notice that
they have decided rescind their investment offer. The round was a signature aw
ay from closing and we were extremely caught off guard when they notified us y
esterday they were backing out. Our existing investors kept us alive and funct
ioning as long as they could during this fundraising process, but in the end,
we needed new outside capital to get into production.

What This Means For Backers:

It’s been a long road with a lot of obstacles. The support of our amazing bac
kers has been incredible, which makes this announcement even harder. We were s
o incredibly ready for production in order to hit our deadlines but without ca
pital it is impossible for us to move forward and we will not be able to fulfi
ll any pre-orders.

We are disappointed and emotionally distraught, and while we know this is extr
emely disappointing for you, we want our backers to know that we did everythin
g we could to make Plastc Card a reality.

- Plastc Inc.







All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-04-23T05:58
$6.75 million ... would propel development across
the finish line...
Lies, lies, lies.
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-04-26T11:05
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-04-30T09:25
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-05-04T21:45
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-05-08T14:19
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-05-09T15:09
看他寫一堆功能 還能感應距離 電量一定不足 畫虎爛
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-05-11T19:14
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-05-13T17:43
所以 之前募資的錢是?
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-05-16T17:47
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-05-21T01:40
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2017-05-24T12:59
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-05-28T05:34
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2017-05-30T09:53
他的問題就是他想做的Apple pay 都作得到 還不用多帶一張卡
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-06-01T10:42
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2017-06-03T14:02
他們最大是在賭會不會被大公司收購 沒有的話就...
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2017-06-03T18:57
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-06-07T14:25
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-06-08T08:19
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2017-06-08T11:26
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-06-10T22:46
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-06-11T08:56
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-06-14T04:50
這種掉卡 比掉手機還慘 手機可以上鎖
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2017-06-14T11:06
阿就投資有賺有賠 請詳閱說明書
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-06-17T23:21
QQ 錢飛了
William avatar
By William
at 2017-06-22T21:00
不如買支NFC手機未來用 Android Pay
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-06-26T09:16
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-06-27T13:19
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-07-01T23:45
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-07-06T19:57
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-07-09T07:17
列爭議款時間好像長達500天 期間內劼可提出申訴 銀行透過
國際組織可申請款項扣回 能不能成就看造化了.


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2017-04-21T03:42
Plastc官方網站宣布了破產並中止營運 兩年前Plastc多卡合一的概念確實很不錯 但出貨延期了兩年最後換來的是被各種技術取代 之前等不下去而選擇退款的人算是安全脫身 因為官方聲明中沒提到任何退款 前幾天官方推特(現已關閉)上面還說會有關於出貨的消息公佈 沒想到 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-04-21T01:03
[職業]:通訊產業 [工作年資]:三年七個月 [年齡]:26 [年收入]:600K [申辦卡別]: 新辦 滙豐銀行 現金回饋御璽卡 [提供財力證明]: 扣繳憑證 570K 台新帳戶 200K(活)+800K(定) [是否有無貸款]: 無 [已持有信用卡額度]: 中國信託 (400K)無限卡(頂級 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-04-21T00:52
請問各位大大 永豐信用卡是否有限持有幾家銀行就不會過 三年前被退多卡 現在不知是否一樣 業務叫我剪其他家的卡辦完永豐再辦回來 覺得麻煩,因為我有15家以上的卡 都用十年以上 不剪卡直接送會過嗎? - ...

花旗現金回饋全國自助加油 刷不過

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2017-04-21T00:36
全國自助加油 花旗 自助有降1.5元 星期一在林口跑了兩家全國加油站 自助加油機都說卡片讀取失敗 谷哥大神說好像是這張卡沒有IC所以會這樣 打給花旗客服得到結論是 這張卡就是沒IC的 我換個機器試看看 不行就是不行 想請教一下大家都這樣嗎? 話說去年解任務在台中的台亞 自助機可以刷過 所以星期一沒法刷很意外. ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2017-04-21T00:24
MasterCard好像有新的logo 是將來所有MC卡都會使用新logo嗎? 還是說由銀行決定? 新的logo是有點潮 但是舊的也不賴 會不會就的版面在換卡的時候都會被強迫成新的logo? - ...