Needham & Co. raises price target for AAPL - 理財

By Rachel
at 2011-08-06T00:42
at 2011-08-06T00:42
Table of Contents
The stock market has been tanking all week, but that's not keeping financial
firm Needham & Co. from being bullish on Apple. The company raised its price
target for AAPL from US$450 to $540.
So why the big jump? Needham's Charlie Wolf notes that the firm adjusted how
it values Apple's different businesses and product lines. The iPad, for
example, is now estimated to contribute about 12.2 percent to the value of
Apple stock. That's up from the previous estimate, based on a new assumption
that the iPad will continue to capture a larger share of the tablet market
that Needham initially thought.
The Mac is also adding to the party, thanks in part to a halo effect from the
iPad. As more buyers become entranced with the iPad, they're more likely to
purchase Macs in the future. The Mac product line is now valued at about 11.8
percent of AAPL's value. Likewise, iTunes has been bumped in importance as a
contributing factor to the stock price (now 5.1 percent) thanks to the growth
of the App Store.
The biggest contributor? The iPhone, which provides almost 49.2 percent of
the value of each share of Apple stock or about $266. That's also seen as a
risk factor, since even a small decrease in growth of iPhone sales could have
a huge impact on Apple stock price.
Last but not least, Apple's cash hoard adds to the stock price value,
contributing about 14.8 percent of the value. However you look at Apple, the
company's performance in troubled financial times has so far been nothing
less than stellar.
目標價又拉了快100美金到540 各位要趁現在逢低買入嗎?
firm Needham & Co. from being bullish on Apple. The company raised its price
target for AAPL from US$450 to $540.
So why the big jump? Needham's Charlie Wolf notes that the firm adjusted how
it values Apple's different businesses and product lines. The iPad, for
example, is now estimated to contribute about 12.2 percent to the value of
Apple stock. That's up from the previous estimate, based on a new assumption
that the iPad will continue to capture a larger share of the tablet market
that Needham initially thought.
The Mac is also adding to the party, thanks in part to a halo effect from the
iPad. As more buyers become entranced with the iPad, they're more likely to
purchase Macs in the future. The Mac product line is now valued at about 11.8
percent of AAPL's value. Likewise, iTunes has been bumped in importance as a
contributing factor to the stock price (now 5.1 percent) thanks to the growth
of the App Store.
The biggest contributor? The iPhone, which provides almost 49.2 percent of
the value of each share of Apple stock or about $266. That's also seen as a
risk factor, since even a small decrease in growth of iPhone sales could have
a huge impact on Apple stock price.
Last but not least, Apple's cash hoard adds to the stock price value,
contributing about 14.8 percent of the value. However you look at Apple, the
company's performance in troubled financial times has so far been nothing
less than stellar.
目標價又拉了快100美金到540 各位要趁現在逢低買入嗎?
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