Nedbank Says Rand to Drop on Commodities - 理財

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-07-12T23:41

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2.南非幣年底可能會貶到USD/ZAR=7.37 轉載自此網址

Currency Strategists: Nedbank Says Rand to Drop on Commodities

July 12 (Bloomberg) -- Investors should use a recovery in the rand to sell the
currency on speculation lower global economic growth will hurt the price of
the metals that make up about a fifth of South African exports, according to
Nedbank Ltd.

Global economic expansion should slow as the Federal Reserve continues to raise
interest rates in the world's biggest economy, said Nicky Weimar, a senior
Nedbank economist in Johannesburg.

``Commodity prices will come under pressure and will be volatile, and that'll
have negative consequences for our exporters'' and the rand, Weimar said in a
telephone interview.

The currency of Africa's largest economy has risen more than 5 percent since
falling to 7.54 per dollar on June 23, its lowest since January 2004. It may
resume its drop and fall 3 percent from 7.13 at 4:30 p.m. in Johannesburg to
7.37 per dollar by the end of the year, according to Weimar.
South Africa is the world's largest producer of gold and platinum and the rand
often moves in tandem with the precious metals that account for about a fifth
of exports in the $239 billion economy.

The rand advanced to as high as 6.04 per dollar on May 12, the same day gold
traded at a 26-year peak of $730.40. Since then, the rand has fallen 15 percent
, closely following a 11 percent decline in the price of gold, the country's
single largest export.

Emerging Market Woes

South Africa's currency has also fallen with other emerging markets since May
amid speculation the country it will struggle to plug its growing current
deficit as higher rates in the U.S. and other developed markets lure investors
, starving riskier emerging market assets of cash.

The rand slumped by as much as 3.7 percent to a 29-month low on June 22 after
the central bank said the current account gap, the widest measure of trade in
goods and services, widened to a 24-year high of 6.4 percent of gross domestic
product in the first quarter. A higher deficit implies more rand have to be
converted into dollars to pay for imports.

Gold for immediate delivery was at $649.80 an ounce at 4:15 p.m. in London
today. Platinum, South Africa's No. 2 export, traded at a six-week high of
$1,260.50 an ounce, after slipping from a record $1,340 on May 12.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Lukanyo Mnyanda in Johannesburg at [email protected]
Last Updated: July 12, 2006 10:36 EDT

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-07-16T11:40
推 S大辛苦了XD
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2006-07-19T22:50


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-07-12T12:10
有沒有人有用不完的旅行支票處理的經驗 因為我前鎮子去英國.. 帶太多英鎊了...現在還剩下550鎊 想說拿回去換台幣..可是要收好多手續費 如果說定存也一樣要很多手續費...很傷腦筋... 有沒有人有經驗可以跟我講要怎麼辦呢?? - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2006-07-12T06:24
謝謝各位大大 另外想請問可以推薦優良的理財書目給我嗎? 感溫~ ※ 引述《yoyum (我一定要成功)》之銘言: : 想請問版上的大大要如何規劃理財? : 說明一下我目前的狀況 : 今年22歲 : 目前有在銀行定存 : 預計今年可以存到九萬塊 : 除此之外 : 是打工一族 : 每個月可以有四千元的打工費 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-07-11T22:36
想請問版上的大大要如何規劃理財? 說明一下我目前的狀況 今年22歲 目前有在銀行定存 預計今年可以存到九萬塊 除此之外 是打工一族 每個月可以有四千元的打工費想要拿來理財 請各位有經驗的大大提供一些建議 要如何規劃自己的理財呢? 個人生性屬於保守派的 所以不用叫我去做太冒險的投資 也希望可以說明詳細些 謝謝! ...

請問所謂的資產公司就是地下期貨公司嗎 …

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-07-11T10:16
※ 引述《FISHLILY (沒天理的賭盤贏了)》之銘言: : er.....第一次聽到資產公司這種名詞,所以不是很了解atata : 請問所謂的資產公司到底是作些什麼的呢? : 為何又會說這類公司都是操作地下期貨? : 地下期貨的定義是? : 這屬於合法的嗎?atata : 如果找這類公司理財的話,安全嗎? ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2006-07-11T01:48
※ 引述《pistons (渾雜沌家的精神)》之銘言: : 而現在,如果日央決定要調整貨幣政策將利率調整到0.25%,其實0跟0.25%看 : 起來都還好,都屬於低水準,但其中的宣示效果遠大於實察效果,近五年來的零利率政中 : ,很多的國際投機者,從日本銀行體系中,借入大量的日元,轉換成美元、歐元流竄在全 : ...