Intel想在格羅方德下單 - 股票

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2020-01-28T07:17

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Rumor: Intel Moving Select CPUs To GlobalFoundries


Rumor: Intel will be offloading select CPUs to GloFo in 2020
That Intel underestimated demand for its 14nm process is an understatement.
Having just knocked off a record quarter the company is already trying to
increase fab capacity by 25% but even that might not be enough to survive the
onslaught of expected growth of the PC industry in 2020. Since Intel's GPUs
are also supposed to enter the fray in terms of production this year, things
are going to be very tight and the company needs to manage its production
lines very carefully in order to have a chance of meeting demand and not
bleeding more market/mind share to AMD. This is where this particular rumor
comes in.


Since GloFo is stuck at the 14nm/16nm process for now this would make sense
as Intel would be freeing up critical fab space for its higher end processors
while moving these parts where the market is fairly stagnant to GloFo.
Another reason why this rumor makes sense is that the transition to GloFo is
in line with their vision (as opposed to TSMC) considering the former is
located inside the United States and the status quo socio-political scenario
right now wouldn't look too kindly at outsourcing capability to TSMC.

由於GloFo暫時停留在14nm / 16nm工藝上,因此這是有道理的,因為英特爾將為其高端處
理器釋放關鍵的製造廠空間,同時將這些部件轉移到市場對GloFo相當停滯的地方。 謠言
來不太友好,因此向GloFo過渡符合他們的願景(與台積電相反) 台積電的外包能力。

According to our source, here are the lineups Intel is considering moving to


Celerons (very likely)
Pentiums (very likely)
Core i3s (maybe)

There have also been rumors that Intel is considering tapping TSMC for its
next-generation graphics cards (certainly not the DG1) which would free up a
ton of space at the cost of relying on an outside foundry for production.
While I do not believe it is in Intel's best interests, this strategy also
paves the way for a future spin off of the manufacturing group and allowing
the company to become independent as a design house (that said, AMD's Wafer
Supply Agreement is essentially a dead weight and while the company has
managed to creatively work around it, the same might not be true for a
post-spun-off Intel).

大量空間,但要依賴外部代工廠進行生產。 儘管我認為這不符合英特爾的最大利益,但

The choice to offload Celerons and Pentiums makes the most sense because
these are processors which don't really need the cutting edge lithography or
node maturity that is available in Intel's 14nm+++. GlobalFoundries nodes
would suffice just as much in these lower tier platforms and I think it makes
definitive business sense to get rid of these. The Core i3 part on the other
hand I am not so sure off because that is a mainstream desktop part and one
that is closely tied to the Intel brand name and since GloFo's process is
going to be different to Intel's (unless the company shares its trade secret
'CopyExactly") it could potentially damage the company's goodwill.

14nm +++中提供的最先進的光刻技術或節點成熟度。 在這些較低層的平台中,
GlobalFoundries節點就足夠了,我認為擺脫這些節點具有一定的商業意義。 另一方面,
我不太確定Core i3部件是因為它是台式機的主流部件,並且與Intel品牌名稱緊密相關,
並且因為GloFo的流程將與Intel的流程有所不同(除非該公司共享其貿易) 機密“

All that said, if this turns out to be true, Intel should be able to add a
few percentage points of capacity on top of the 25% this quarter and if the
ramp to 10nm goes successfully would be finally out of murky waters by early
2021. That this is going to be a make or break time for the company would
also be an understatement. If 10nm fails, then the company is looking at
loosing a lot more market-share to AMD and once the 14nm node becomes old
enough, demand would quickly fall as well.

分點的容量,如果成功實現10nm的升級,那麼到2021年初最終將擺脫困境 對於公司而言
,這將是一個成敗的時機,這也是一種輕描淡寫的說法。 如果10nm失效,那麼該公司正







Tags: 股票

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2020-01-31T10:33
AMD高階都ALL IN GG了 毛利低歡迎給其他家啊
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2020-02-03T01:25
與AMD分享心得? 這是機器翻譯?
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-02-06T06:29
99 glofo
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-02-09T22:51
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2020-02-14T10:02
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-02-16T12:42
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2020-02-20T23:00
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2020-02-24T19:54
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2020-02-25T11:49
補一些低階產地而已 沒什麼問題吧
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2020-02-26T07:09
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-02-29T16:49
趕快下 我先amd yes
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2020-03-02T14:00
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2020-03-06T07:11
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2020-03-09T18:43
GF的14/16nm ....算了做做賽揚而已....
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2020-03-13T01:17
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2020-03-15T02:06
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-03-19T23:39
拿GF不如拿Samsung Austin....;
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2020-03-21T13:06
把GF塞滿,卡住 Ryzen IO die產能
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-03-23T22:40
這node等於牙膏自己22nm而已 空自己產能給server用
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-03-25T23:43
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2020-03-27T15:49
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2020-03-30T07:13
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-04-02T03:43
AMD即使技術追上來 GG產能也不足以挑戰i皇霸者地位
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2020-04-02T07:48
AMD若從intel手中再搶10%市占率 已是非常了不得了
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2020-04-07T04:46
給GF會輸更快 哈
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-04-09T17:23

YANG 每日三倍放空FTSE 多

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2020-01-28T02:55
1. 標的: Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares NYSE Arca: YANG 2. 分類:多/空/請益/心得 多 3. 分析/正文: 打了一陣子貿易戰,雖然最近簽了中美第一階段貿易協議,但內容不利於中國。 更何況在第二階段協議之前,還有價值約360 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2020-01-28T02:19
身為一個長期持有的巴菲特信徒, 除了紀律投資, 也是要與時俱進, 研究新的投資標地, 印度和中國市場的本質並不相同, 但是這兩國的人口紅利是差不多的, 在空出中國的情況下, 印度市場似乎有點值得短期練功, 但沒概念, 想請教板上有資深的老司機經驗分享嗎? 謝謝. - ...

這次肺炎根本不用擔心 冷靜下來走so

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-01-28T01:00
認同原po, 事實上封關至今股板還是有一堆熱烈討論, 表示台股的市場依然熱絡, 因為不論是什麼世局, 永遠不乏想賺錢的人, 也一定有不少股民想趁機殺進殺出一波, 不要因為看衰開盤的風向而驚慌失措, 有些話只說了一半, 開盤如何不代表走勢, 就預期心理的角度來看, 開低走高不正是進場的局? 即 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2020-01-28T00:32
※ 引述《kalatragi ( )》之銘言: : 1. 標的:3406玉晶光 : 2. 分類:多 : 3. 分析/正文: : 基本面:盈收很好,12月月減4.9%,幅度比大立月減20%來的少 : 籌碼面:融資水位低檔,外資持續加碼 : 技術面:利空不跌,伊朗飛彈仍能收紅,昨日跌7%仍一度拉到紅盤 : 進場: ...

2020/01/28 盤後閒聊 大年初四

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-01-28T00:00
倒數2天開盤 揪竟...會是怎生光景... 大家恢復上班記得還是要戴口罩 尤其坐捷運公車等大眾交通工具 家裡有小孩的更要注意 大家新年快樂 珍惜假期QQ - ...