FXCM不能用停損?! - 理財

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-08-06T00:48

Table of Contents


Please note that there are regulatory differences between the entities listed
above. As such, some of the features referenced in this user guide are not
available on Forex Capital Markets, LLC accounts. Namely hedging, the ability
to place stop-loss or limit orders, and the ability to close positions from
the Open Positions window are not in compliance with NFA rule 2-43. These
features are therefore not functional on Forex Capital Markets LLC trading
platforms. Each section of this user guide that references such a feature
will be noted.

所謂的NFA rule 2-43是最近新訂出來的嗎?

另外針對停損停利這項 http://tinyurl.com/kt34to
Note: NFA compliance rule 2-43 requires that all orders must be executed
First In First Out (FIFO). That is to say that when you have multiple
positions in the same currency pair, the position which was first opened will
be the first to be closed. In order to comply with this rule, stop-loss and
limit order functionalities have been removed for FXCM LLC accounts. FXCM LLC
accounts can manage their risk by using OCO entry orders.

其實我是看不懂所謂的FIFO跟stop-loss and limit之間的關連性

OCO stands for “One Cancels the Other.” It simply means that if one part of
the order is executed, the other part will be automatically cancelled. For
instance, all of the stop and limit orders on the FX Trading Station are OCO
orders. That is to say that if the stop hits, the limit will automatically be

In order to create an OCO Entry Order you must have two or more entry orders
waiting in the “Orders” window. The simplest way to link two orders is to
right click on one of them and select “Create an OCO Order”

不過我在trading選單OCO項只能選Create Breakout/Pullback Order
而非文中之Create OCO Order


Tags: 理財

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-08-10T19:14
我沒用FXCM 樓下請回答 你換一家不就好了
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-08-13T09:01
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-08-16T15:51
使用 MB-Trading...Limited Order 還是可以正常掛單
MB-Trading 說他們已經將 FIFO 的限定修正至程式裡了
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-08-18T22:05


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-08-05T16:17
本文主要簡單介紹歐元的歷史、發行機構、管理者 希望版友透過了解歐元的各種基本資訊 能夠幫助大家在作投資判斷的時候 能夠知道管理者決策的由來 有圖的我貼在我的blog中 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/robinsoncano/12679177 以下是純文字版 有任何想多知道的資訊可以推 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-08-05T10:09
老美大哥怎麼了 都讓澳弟一枝獨秀? 請問板上高手 澳幣八月的走向如何? (真想絆他一腳 我要去澳洲啦~) - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-08-05T10:01
各位大大好, 我是今年要去英國唸書的學生 (我不是有$人家的小孩,要貸款出國去唸書的) 因此,最近最近的英鎊升值升到我心臟無力… 想請問未來還會持續升值嗎? 我手上大約還要有約70萬的台幣要換成GBP, 請各位大大,可否給我一盞明燈… PS謝謝大家花時間看這篇文章,謝謝~~ - ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-08-05T06:35
前文43 前言 在談理財之前,有幾個問題要先釐清。首先,理財是一種建立在金錢上的行為動作,其目 的是為了產生或達到、得到我們想要的結果。原文提到的『成為有錢人』,只是理財的其 中一個預期得到的結果,但不完全是理財的真正意義及絕對目的。 那麼,理財的意義是什麼?是投資嗎?不對,投資也是一種建立在金 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-08-04T22:22
閒閒沒事跑來這裡,看到這系列文,剛好昨天在部落格回朋友 的文章,拿來和大家分享好了~ ************************************************************* 看到朋友的新日記,加上常看到身邊朋友對理財有興趣~ 不才的我又想雞婆一下了,唉...... 就 ...