FOMC決議維持聯邦基金利率於2% - 理財

By Gilbert
at 2008-09-17T02:26
at 2008-09-17T02:26
Table of Contents
Press Release
Release Date: September 16, 2008
For immediate release
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the
federal funds rate at 2 percent.
Strains in financial markets have increased significantly and labor markets
have weakened further. Economic growth appears to have slowed recently,
partly reflecting a softening of household spending. Tight credit conditions,
the ongoing housing contraction, and some slowing in export growth are likely
to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters. Over time, the
substantial easing of monetary policy, combined with ongoing measures to
foster market liquidity, should help to promote moderate economic growth.
Inflation has been high, spurred by the earlier increases in the prices of
energy and some other commodities. The Committee expects inflation to
moderate later this year and next year, but the inflation outlook remains
highly uncertain.
The downside risks to growth and the upside risks to inflation are both of
significant concern to the Committee. The Committee will monitor economic and
financial developments carefully and will act as needed to promote
sustainable economic growth and price stability.
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
Christine M. Cumming; Elizabeth A. Duke; Richard W. Fisher; Donald L. Kohn;
Randall S. Kroszner; Sandra Pianalto; Charles I. Plosser; Gary H. Stern; and
Kevin M. Warsh. Ms. Cumming voted as the alternate for Timothy F. Geithner.
Press Release
Release Date: September 16, 2008
For immediate release
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the
federal funds rate at 2 percent.
Strains in financial markets have increased significantly and labor markets
have weakened further. Economic growth appears to have slowed recently,
partly reflecting a softening of household spending. Tight credit conditions,
the ongoing housing contraction, and some slowing in export growth are likely
to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters. Over time, the
substantial easing of monetary policy, combined with ongoing measures to
foster market liquidity, should help to promote moderate economic growth.
Inflation has been high, spurred by the earlier increases in the prices of
energy and some other commodities. The Committee expects inflation to
moderate later this year and next year, but the inflation outlook remains
highly uncertain.
The downside risks to growth and the upside risks to inflation are both of
significant concern to the Committee. The Committee will monitor economic and
financial developments carefully and will act as needed to promote
sustainable economic growth and price stability.
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
Christine M. Cumming; Elizabeth A. Duke; Richard W. Fisher; Donald L. Kohn;
Randall S. Kroszner; Sandra Pianalto; Charles I. Plosser; Gary H. Stern; and
Kevin M. Warsh. Ms. Cumming voted as the alternate for Timothy F. Geithner.
All Comments

By Olive
at 2008-09-20T18:18
at 2008-09-20T18:18

By Victoria
at 2008-09-25T16:09
at 2008-09-25T16:09

By David
at 2008-09-28T15:07
at 2008-09-28T15:07

By John
at 2008-10-02T10:25
at 2008-10-02T10:25

By Lucy
at 2008-10-04T20:46
at 2008-10-04T20:46

By Megan
at 2008-10-07T08:12
at 2008-10-07T08:12

By Iris
at 2008-10-11T20:50
at 2008-10-11T20:50

By Agatha
at 2008-10-13T17:45
at 2008-10-13T17:45

By Mason
at 2008-10-17T18:18
at 2008-10-17T18:18
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