Bloomberg's News about SEK - 理財

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-03-02T22:56

Table of Contents

Swedish Krona Falls to Record Versus Euro; EU Rejects Aid Plan

For the full story, see

Sorry that I am unable to type Chinese now. Excerpt of this new is pasted
below. Translations are welcomed.

Eastern Europe Concerns

EU leaders yesterday vetoed an appeal by Hungary for loans of 180 billion
euros ($228 billion) for ex-communist economies in eastern Europe, and
told carmakers such as General Motors Corp.’s European arm to look to
their own governments for help.

Investors dumped the krona in February after Standard and Poor’s on
Feb. 24 cut Latvia’s credit rating to junk and said eastern European
economies may face a crisis, stoking concern about Swedish banks’
holdings in the Baltic region. Sweden-based Saab Automobile filed for
bankruptcy protection last week after reporting a fourth-quarter loss
of 708 million kronor on Feb. 13.

Sweden holds 81 percent of the $40.4 billion in total cross-border
banking exposure to Estonia, 56 percent of $44.4 billion in total
cross-border banking claims in Latvia and 62 percent of the $46.3
billion exposure to Lithuania, Brown Brothers wrote, citing fourth-
quarter data from the Basel, Switzerland-based Bank for International

‘Negative for Sweden’

“We continue to see rising risks that the Baltic currency pegs will
be broken this year,” the analysts at Brown Brothers wrote. “That
will be very negative for Sweden.”

Riksbank Governor Stefan Ingves said Feb. 26 Swedish banks can overcome
losses in the Baltic states.

The yield on Sweden’s 5.25 percent government note due March 2011
fell two basis points to 1.04 percent, compared with 1.46 percent on
Jan. 30.

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-03-07T03:57
今天跌的蠻慘的 我又搶進一些
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-03-09T18:01
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-03-11T02:03
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-03-12T15:42
又再繼續向下了 XD
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-03-15T21:06
請問ryan大 USD/SEK的可能目標價是...?

明年世足賽 對南非幣會有影響嗎??

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-03-02T18:43
明年南非要舉辦世界盃足球賽 是第一次在非洲舉行 對南非的經濟會有正面??影響吧 那對南非幣會有影響嗎?? 有的話是 升或貶呢?? 突然好奇 南非幣到現在都還給很高的利率 對這個經濟體有點好奇 - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-03-02T14:23
請問一下 因為我有一張50元的歐圓 但有點破損 破損的情況大概就是在紙鈔的一側 有大約3~4條 不大於1cm的and#34;撕裂傷and#34; 沒有任何缺損的地方 但問過彰化的台灣銀行 卻被拒收了(想換成台幣) 可是聽說這種破損 台銀應該還是會接受才對阿 Orrz 請問還有什麼地方的銀行可以 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-03-02T12:16
那套在24~25元的我 該說什麼比較好呢........ 不過沒差了啦 放著兩三年 看東協FTA上路後 紐西蘭有沒有機會稍微回來 現在這一切 就當是惡夢一場 總會醒來的XDDDDDD ※ 引述《ch1548 (阿硯)》之銘言: : 前1月的某一天我夢見了小紐,他輕聲細語的說可以進了可以進了,並且說到,不 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-03-02T11:40
前1月的某一天我夢見了小紐,他輕聲細語的說可以進了可以進了,並且說到,不要 跟別人說喔,我就真的沒跟別人說,18.3進了一下 過了幾天還是沒起色,我又遇見了小紐,它說再進再進,並在2月初時進了,17.9 滿懷待的我等著豐收和報答小紐的恩情 後來他又跟我說了最一次再進,我又17.5給他進了一下 atat結果現在 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-03-02T05:49
不知道可不可以在這個版問 如果不行就把它刪掉吧 我找了好久 就只有發現理財版而以(這個版又是全方面的) 嗯...我想問的是 每次去國外或從國外回來 都會去跟人換外幣 為啥他們可以給的比銀行高呢 他們這樣是在賺什麼的價差 因為本身想做外幣買賣來增家一些額外的收入 每次都是看準匯率 然後時機到時就大量跟他們換錢 ...