76% Rise In Stocks Since The March Low - 理財

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-04-17T18:45

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來源: ZeroHedge
FRIDAY, APR 16, 2021 - 03:20 PM

For his weekly Flow Show report, BofA's Michael Hartnett picked a remarkable front cover chart, one showing that the 76% jump in US stocks from Mar’20 lows is now the 3rd largest YoY move in the past 100 years.

Among the factors making this possible was the return of the record stock market mania, which in the last week manifested itself in another round of huge inflows into stocks ($25.6bn) bonds, ($17.9bn), all funded by an even bigger ($47.3bn) outflow from of cash, the largest in 4 months. Among the "flows to know" according to Hartnett, there were strong inflows to IG bonds ($9.8bn) & EM equities ($5.1bn), plus tech inflows resume ($1.6bn); inflow to global stocks past 5 months ($602bn) exceeds inflow in
prior 12 years ($452bn)…note US corporate buybacks ($6.3tn over past 12 years).

Hartnett then notes another historic milestone: so far there have been 833 million global COVID-19 vaccines administered since 1st vaccination in UK on Dec 8th, and at this rate global vaccinations are on pace to exceed 1 billion jabs in 6 days, on April 23rd, "a staggering global human achievement," but one that hardens BofA's view that Q2’21 will see peak in policy & profit optimism.

As a reminder, earlier this week BofA quant and chief equity strategist Savita Subramanian explained her reasons why she expects the S&P500 to drop 10% and close the year at 3,800 making BofA tied for the most pessimistic banks on Wall Street).

Looking ahead, Hartnett says that after the remarkable rebound in everyghing in the past year, "there is only one more V to go": V-shape in stock prices, housing, PMIs, EPS, GDP now being followed by V-shape in inflation, just look at lumber prices...

.... tighter labor market (almost half of all small businesses are unable to fund workers, as we discussed yesterday);

The coming inflection point in the economy will be followed by monetary policy (in 2020...195 cuts & 5 hikes; in 2021...5 cuts & 12 hikes). Elsewhere, as the BofA CIO notes, "Vaccine = Wall St inflation, mobility = Main St inflation", while US banks breaking higher vs EM banks reflects secular turn in rates & inflation.

Hartnett then predicts that the next surge in yields/taper tantrum awaits new highs in oil (e.g. Brent >$70/b), new floor for AHE (average hourly earnings) of 3.5% YoY, and vaccination success triggering faster global reopening & human mobility. Hartnett sticks with 2021 asset mix reco of commodities/volatility>equities/bonds.

Finally, with regard to what happens next, going back to Hartnett's key observation this has not only been the third fastest annual surge in stocks in history...

... but also a 2.3-sigma move above average. Such outsized moves have unhappy endings: as BofA's Savita Subramanian calculated "two+ standard deviation moves have only happened four other times since 1928, with losses occurring over the next 12 months in three of the four cases, and the average 12 month return of -4%.

In other words, as BofA concludes, the current moves implies a projected 12-month price return of -4%, all else equal... although it isn't because never in the history of humanity has the market been injected with so much central bank liquidity as it is now.


心得: 無

Sent from JPTT on my Motorola moto g 5G plus.

Tags: 理財

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Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-04-19T20:16


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2021-04-17T08:31
※ 引述《title2002 (大叔)》之銘言: : 花旗老牌銀行 : 撤出15國消費金融市場 : 是單純業務縮編 : 還是有不能說的秘密 : 有人有了解這塊嗎? 個人是覺得 花旗銀行的網站很不親民,APP很陽春, 要撤離台灣,某方面是X好+X好, 在信用卡版,花旗又有方丈的美名, ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2021-04-17T08:11
前陣子本想考慮處理,無奈去年退稅還沒收到,也不知是還沒辦好還是出什麼問題。 我是去年7月寄出的。 不知是否有人像我一樣還沒收到退稅的? ---- Sent from BePTT on my LGE LG-H990 - ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2021-04-17T01:12
※ 引述《title2002 (大叔)》之銘言: : 花旗老牌銀行 : 撤出15國消費金融市場 : 是單純業務縮編 : 還是有不能說的秘密 : 有人有了解這塊嗎? 我只知道花旗前陣子被金管會罰了不少錢 不知道是不是有關 有三次大出包 一次是信用卡系統BUG 預繳錢未實際入帳 額度可以無限重複爆增的那個 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2021-04-16T23:23
花旗老牌銀行 撤出15國消費金融市場 是單純業務縮編 還是有不能說的秘密 有人有了解這塊嗎? - ...

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