10/1商周舉辦金磚趨勢高峰會,邀請四大긠… - 銀行

By Wallis
at 2009-09-04T12:07
at 2009-09-04T12:07
Table of Contents
時間: 2009/10/1 星期四晚上 7:00~9:30 (憑票六點進場)
地點:台北國際會議中心大會堂 (台北市信義路五段1號)
全程英文對談 現場提供同步翻譯耳機 (購買費用100元)
1.Sanjiv Duggal (聖傑夫 道格)
CIO India
滙豐印度股票基金 經理人
Sanjiv Duggal is a fund manager in the Asia ex Japan regional equity team and
has been working in the industry since 1994. Prior to joining the firm in
1996, Sanjiv worked for Hill Samuel Group initially as an internal audit and
latterly as an emerging markets fund manager. He is a fully qualified
chartered accountant.
這位基金經理人操盤的匯豐印度績效優異, 今年績效優異
2.Richard Wong (黃子驊)
Investment Director – China , Halbis
滙豐中國股票基金 經理人
Richard Wong is a fund manager in the Asia ex Japan country equity team and
has been working in the industry since 1985. Richard first joined the firm in
1993 but left to work for Nikko Capital Management as a senior portfolio
manager for one and a half years before returning in 1997. He started his
career working for Moody’s Investors Service as a research associate.
Richard holds a BA in Economics and Computer Science from Columbia University
and an MBA in Finance from New York University .
3.Douglas Helfer (道格拉斯 海佛爾)
Fund Manager for HSBC Global Investment Funds - Russia Equity
滙豐俄羅斯股票基金 經理人
Douglas Helfer is a fund manager in the global emerging market equity team
and has been working in the industry since 1996. Prior to joining the firm in
2006, Douglas worked for F &C Emerging Markets where he was responsible for
Eastern European, Middle East and African investments. He holds a BA in
Soviet and Eastern European Studies from the University of Colorado , an MA
in Russian Studies from the University of London and an MBA in Finance from
the City University Business School in London .
4.Pedro Bastos (巴培卓)
CEO, HSBC Investments Brazil
1. 曾任職於美國First Trust Company,從事股票分析研究,長達9年。
2. 其後,任職巴西Unibanco銀行。
(1) 期間擔任經紀研究部主管,負責股票及固定收益產品通路銷售。
(2) 1995年起,轉任Unibanco銀行資產管理部門,其後專責股票、避險基金及信用
3. 2006年起迄今,擔任匯豐投資管理(巴西)執行長。
這場金磚趨勢高峰會一次請到分別掌管中國 印度 巴西 俄羅斯
All Comments

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at 2009-09-08T08:26
at 2009-09-08T08:26

By Charlotte
at 2009-09-10T04:46
at 2009-09-10T04:46

By Agatha
at 2009-09-10T21:07
at 2009-09-10T21:07

By Michael
at 2009-09-14T02:12
at 2009-09-14T02:12
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